Mercer OneView Modelling Tool
What is Mercer OneView?

Mercer OneView is available to all current employees who are members of the University of Dublin Trinity College Master Pension Scheme.
Accessing the online Mercer OneView Benefit Modelling Tool allows all members to generate personalised real-time illustrative estimates for:
- Normal Retirement
- Early Retirement
- Leaving Service
It also allows members to model the potential effects of:
- Changes to their pensionable salary
- Changes to their working hours
- The effect of career breaks or other periods of unpaid leave
How do I access Mercer OneView Benefit Modeller?
Prior to logging on to Mercer OneView, we invite you to view an online demonstration of the functionality within Mercer OneView:
- Online Demo (pdf 5 mb) (requires Adobe Reader 10)
- Online Demo (Shockwave 5 mb) (alternative format)
A Mercer OneView Member User Guide (pdf 1.2 mb) is also available.
Mercer OneView can be accessed at by following the simple steps on the Mercer OneView Trinity Log-In Flyer (pdf 846 kb).
What should I do if I have forgotten my Personal Access Code (PAC)?
If you are having difficulties logging onto the system, please review the Mercer OneView Trinity Log-In Flyer or view an online tutorial.
If you have forgotten or lost your PAC, you must contact the Mercer JustASK Helpline directly on (01) 411 8505 to request that a new printed PAC be posted to you. The Mercer JustASK Helpline is attended from 9am-5pm Mon-Fri (excl Bank Holidays). For security reasons, please note that the Trinity Pensions Office cannot reset member PACs.
Where should I direct any further queries if I have queries in relation to my pension entitlements?
In addition to the Benefit Modeller, the Mercer OneView System provides links to the Scheme Booklet and other up-to-date information available on the Trinity HR intranet.
If your query is still not addressed, quoting your Staff I.D. number, please contact the Trinity Pensions Office directly (not Mercer).
The Mercer JustAsk Helpline should only be used by members who are having difficulty accessing the system or to facilitate the reset of Personal Access Codes (PACs). Please note that general benefit queries to the Mercer JustAsk Helpline will be directed back to the Trinity Pensions Office.