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Advancing your Research Career

ARC Master Classes

There are 9 master classes scheduled, a mixture of online and in-person, in addition to the Induction session, these will complement the online component of the ARC programme. Each master class is timetabled below. Please note you must attend at least 80% of the masterclasses to receive your certificate of completion.

Masterclass Delivered By and Description Duration Date and Time
Induction - Welcome Prof Sinead Ryan and the HR L&OD team 1.5 hours Tuesday 14th January 2025
14:00 - 15:30
in person

In this session Prof Sinead Ryan, Dean of Research, will talk to you about the benefits of engaging in a programme like the ARC, how to get the most out of It and how to think about your research career.

Rosaleen Gleeson will provide an overview of the mentoring relationship and how to prepare as a mentee for your meetings with your mentor.

The HR L&OD team will highlight the schedule, advise around Blackboard and will answer any questions you may have about the programme.

It is mandatory to attend this session.
Masterclass 1:
Research Careers
Dr. Harun Siljak and guest speaker, Dr. Eimear Gleeson
2 hours Wednesday 12th February 2025
10:00 - 12:00

This masterclass will look at research careers, how to work towards a career in research that lasts and the skills and attributes you must develop in order to be competitive as a researcher who is winning grants and publishing. You will also hear from a guest speaker who was a researcher in Academia, now working in another field. They will provide a little about their own personal story so you can gain an insight into the journey different researchers take.

Masterclass 2:
Research Impact
Bridget Gavin and Dr. Luciana Lolich, Research Impact Officers 2 hours Tuesday 25th February 2025
10:00 - 12:00

It is both desirable and necessary to show value for money and, within this, demonstrate and articulate the impact and benefits of investing in research, (SFI 2020).

This masterclass helps the researcher to identify ways of creating more impact from their research for their careers and disciplines.

Masterclass 3:
The Research Landscape - Higher Education Context
Dr Sally Smith, Director of Research and Dr Fiona Smyth, Head of Research Development 2 hours Wednesday 19th March 2025
10:00 - 12:00
in person

There is no doubt that the world of research is continuously (and sometimes unexpectedly) changing. It is important to maintain a heightened awareness of these various influences, as they are likely to affect your access to funding, sponsorship, students, good team members, projects and career opportunities. So make sure that these influences are on your radar and keep them in mind as you work through the other courses in this programme, as they will inform your reflections, decisions and plans for the future.

As a research leader you may also have added responsibility to make sure that your team members and mentees are aware of and prepared to deal with these influences; and the opportunity to inform national and international policies and priorities and perhaps contribute to the formative stages of developing calls for input.

This masterclass will cover TCD's strategic plan; the national HEI sector; national policies etc.

Masterclass 4:
Research Engagement
Michael Foley, Civic Engagement 2 hours

Thursday 3rd April 2025
10:00 - 12:00

  The masterclass assists and supports researchers in crafting public involvement plans, helping you access significant funding for engaged research. It also highlights areas where engagement can be harnessed that might not otherwise have been considered.    
Masterclass 5:
Funding your Research

Trinity Research Office

2 hours

Wednesday 16th April 2025

10:00 - 12:00

This masterclass will highlight the many avenues that exist for funding opportunities.  It is worthwhile to pursue a range of them, especially in today's extremely competitive environment.
This means developing a good awareness of:

  • The variety of potential funders
  • What information is available on the funders and their programmes
  • How to perform a tailored funding search for your particular project.
This masterclass will provide a general outline of funding resources in the Irish context.
Masterclass 6:
Collaborating with Partners
Dr Christopher Keely, Dr Jurgen Osing and Anthony O'Callaghan, Trinity Innovation 2 hours Tuesday 29th April 2025
10:00 - 12:00
in person
  Collaborations are an integral part of any successful research programme. This masterclass will cover some of the issues you should bear in mind when collaborating with other individuals and institutions, such as intellectual property and the need for formal agreements.    
Masterclass 7:
Project Management for Researchers
Dr Margaret Collins, Training for Universities 3 hours Wednesday 14th May 2025
10:00 - 13:00
  Project management is the backbone to research, In this session you will meet experienced researchers and project management trainer Dr Margaret Collins who will talk about the pros and cons of successful project management and what can get in the way. She will also highlight ways to remain on schedule around time management.    
Masterclass 8:
Increasing your Public Profile & Communicating your Research
Niamh Brennan, Research Informatics 2 hours Tuesday 27th May 2025
10:00 - 12:00

This masterclass will discuss
a) Trinity's Research Support System (RSS) and
b) open access publishing, including TCD's open access policy and Trinity's open access repository (TARA).

Trinity's RSS system allows TCD researchers and postgraduate research students to input and update information on their research, current interests and publications, and provides a database of the University's expertise for external bodies/collaborators to search.

Open access means the free, immediate, availability on the public Internet of works which scholars give to the world without expectation of payment – permitting any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software or use them for any other lawful purpose. Open access material is more likely to be found, read and cited than work solely published in traditional journals. This visibility can also help to attract prospective collaborators and research students.

Masterclass 9:
Social Media and Your Research Profile
Sharon Campbell, Head of Digital Communications 2 hours Tuesday 10th June 2025
10:00 - 12:00
in person
  This masterclass will take us through several current social media platforms and how to create the best impact for your research and profile.