Gender Pay Gap Report
In line with the Gender Pay Gap Information Act 2021, Trinity College published its Gender Pay Gap Report in December 2024.
The Gender Pay Gap is an equality measure that shows the difference between the average earnings of all men versus that of all women in an organization.
The gender pay gap in Trinity College in 2024 is 7.6%.
Equal Pay is men and women being paid the same for the same work within the workforce. Trinity College adheres to public sector pay scales which ensure equal pay.
The Gender Pay Gap is the percentage difference between the average pay of men and women across the workforce.
This can occur due to:
- Horizontal segregation, where there are more men than women doing one type of job and more women than men doing another type of job.
- Vertical segregation, where there is clustering of men at the top of occupational hierarchies and of women at the bottom.
The aim is that if we measure the Gender Pay Gap, we can take steps to address the gap in the future.
Gender Pay Gap Reports