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Frequently Asked Questions

Last Updated 21 June 2024

Occasional Staff and Casual Payroll

Is there a policy for Occasional Staff and Casual Pay?

Yes.  A policy was developed during 2019-2021 with consultation from a wide range of stakeholders across the university. In addition, legal advice and revenue requirements informed the development of the policy. The draft policy was reviewed by various Committees and representative groups during its development and was refined based on feedback received. The Policy was approved by Board in June 2021.

What are the rates of pay for Casual Work?

Rates of pay for different types of work are available on the HR website on the HR A-Z.

A rate for the job may be appropriate, as determined by the manager.

The rate must be included on the terms and conditions document issued to the employee.

What is a Terms and Conditions document?

Occasional staff must be issued with a written statement, or Terms and Conditions of Employment document within five days of starting employment. (Five days, not five working days). The Terms and Conditions document is a requirement under Employment Law (Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2018) and includes the following:

  • the full names of the employer and the employee
  • the expected duration of the contract
  • the rate or method of calculation of the employee’s pay
  • the number of hours the employer reasonably expects the employee to work per normal working day and per normal working week
  • an instruction that the employee must comply with all university policies
  • other information regarding employment.

Who completes the Terms and Conditions document?

The terms and conditions document can be issued by the manager of the Occasional employee, or by a local administrator/manager who deals with Occasional staff or Casual pay processes.
The document must be signed by the person issuing it. It does not need to be signed by the employee. The document is retained by the employee. The School/Unit should keep their own records that the document was issued.

Do we need to issue a Terms and Conditions document to Occasional staff who are already engaged?

This process commenced in January 2020. All Occasional staff should have a terms and conditions document. If none has been issued to date, it should be issued now.

If we re-engage a previously employed Casual worker, do we need to issue a Terms and Conditions document?

Yes.  From January 2020, every time a person is engaged, or re-engaged, the document must be issued. The terms and conditions document is valid for the dates set out on it.

Will this mean that Casual staff are now employees?

Casual staff have always been considered to be employees.

What if I am not sure about the hours of work or the duration of work?

Indicate an approximate schedule, noting that times are subject to change based on operational need or changes in timetable.

Is there any change to the Pay Claim Forms?

The layout and format is slightly changed. The information required is broadly the same.

Occasional Staff Engagement Personal Details Form (set up form)

Occasional Staff Casual Payroll Claim Form

Occasional Staff and Casual Payroll Eligibility to Work

Who needs permission to work in Ireland?

Every non-EEA national requires permission to work in Ireland, unless exempt from such requirement.

Permission to work in Ireland comes in the form of Employment Permit and/or Immigration Stamps.

How to identify eligibility and conditions of each Stamp?

To establish what are the eligibility and conditions of each Immigration Stamp, please click here

Can an Employment Permit be sought on behalf of an occasional/casual staff?

Due to the nature and duration of occasional/casual work, Employment Permits cannot be sought by TCD, therefore the candidate must hold an appropriate Immigration Stamp that allows them to take up the post on the proposed terms (i.e.: full-time, part-time).

How many hours per week can the non-EEA work based on a Stamp?

Stamps have different restrictions when it comes to hours worked per week. Please check the link above for the conditions of each Stamp.

Can a non-EEA national remain in work after their Stamp expired?

No. Their eligibility to work ceases on the expiry date of their Stamp. Continuation of employment beyond that date is subject to the provision of a renewed and relevant Stamp by the non-EEA national.