Contact Persons
The Contact Person can provide information about the Dignity & Respect and Sexual Misconduct policies and explore the options available to address any concerns.
Contact Persons are available for confidential, discreet, private and information conversations relating to bullying, harassment, and/or sexual misconduct. You can seek advice from a Contact Person without having to make a complaint. The Contact Persons will not disclose any matter, unless it involves acts, circumstances or incidents that require mandatory reporting, or which give reason to be concerned for someone’s safety.
The Contact Persons are available to any member of the University community under these policies. Please note that a Contact Person can only provide advice to one party involved in a case relating to bullying, harassment, and/or sexual misconduct.
All Contact Persons undertake appropriate training in matters relating to bullying, harassment, and sexual misconduct. Contact Persons do not have an investigative, decision-making, representative or witness role in any processes.
Contact Persons List
Name | Contact Details |
Inmaculada Arnedillo-Sanchez, Computer Science |, ext. 3661 |
Jonathon Fitzpatrick, Premises Services, Estates & Facilities | ext. 3437 |
Martyn Linnie, Zoology | |
Martin McAndrew, Senior Tutors Office | ext. 1417 |
John Munnelly, Premises Services, Estates & Facilities |, ext. 2487 / 087 2653374 |
Cathal O’Donnell, IT Services | ext. 3546 |
Lisa Orpen, Financial Services Division | ext. 1957 |