HIU12030 The Hundred Years War C.1337-1453

- Module Coordinators:
- Dr David Ditchburn & Dr Peter Crooks
- Duration:
- Hilary term
- Contact Hours:
- 2 lectures per week (weeks 1-5), plus 6 seminars (weeks 8-11)
- Weighting:
- 5 ECTS
- Assessment:
- 20% essay, 80% examination
The war was fought mainly in France but also engulfed Brittany, Scotland, the Iberian kingdoms, the Netherlands and other countries. The first part of the wars is retailed in considerable detail by the contemporary chronicler, Jean Froissart, whose powerful portrait of warfare and political rivalry is set against a backdrop of chivalric endeavour and glory. The module takes its lead from Froissart’s vivid chronicles. The first four tutorialsare focussed exclusively on various aspects of his chronicles and students will be expected to write an essay on Froissart’s work. The remaining tutorials are devoted to a study of texts on Joan of Arc. Lectures concentrate on key themes associated with Froissart’s world, such as kingship, chivalry and warfare, diplomacy and popular revolt.
Key reading: Froissart's Chronicles, ed. G. Brereton (Penguin Classics) - strongly recommended for purchase
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
- Outline chronologically and explain key developments in the political history of western Europe in the later middle ages
- Assess the impact of the Hundred Year War on the development of western Europe
- Search for, and critically appraise, relevant literature
- Undertake an extended analysis of select contemporary sources in translation
- Communicate analysis and argument in written and verbal format