John Cunningham
Postdoctoral Fellow

I completed a BA in History and English (2005) and a PhD in History (2009) at NUI Galway. I am currently a Government of Ireland CARA Postdoctoral Mobility Fellow in the Humanities and Social Sciences at Trinity College Dublin and the University of Freiburg.
'Crisis, conflict and change: Ireland and Bohemia in the seventeenth century'
My current project is concerned with the dynamics of property confiscation during the Thirty Years War and the Wars of the Three Kingdoms. I also have a particular interest in the mid-seventeenth century history of England, Scotland and Ireland.
- Conquest and land in Ireland: the transplantation to Connacht, 1649-1680 (Royal Historical Society Studies in History, new series, lxxxii, 2011).
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
- 'The transplanters' certificates and the historiography of Cromwellian Ireland', Irish Historical Studies, xxxvii (2011), 376-95.
- 'Oliver Cromwell and the "Cromwellian" settlement of Ireland', Historical Journal 53 (2010), 919-37.
- 'Lay Catholicism and religious policy in Cromwellian Ireland', Journal of Ecclesiastical History (forthcoming)
Essays in Edited Collections
- 'The Gookin-Lawrence pamphlet debate and transplantation in Cromwellian Ireland', in Ciara Breathnach, Liam Chambers, Catherine Lawless and Anthony McElligott, eds., Power in history: from the medieval to the post-modern world (Historical Studies xxvii, 2011), 63-80
- '1641 and the shaping of Cromwellian Ireland', in Eamon Darcy, Annaleigh Margey and Elaine Murphy, eds., The 1641 depositions and the Irish rebellion (forthcoming, 2012)
- 'Cromwellian County Mayo', in Gerard Moran and Nollaig Ó Muraíle, eds., Mayo: History and Society (forthcoming, 2013)
Book Reviews
- Review of Robert Armstrong, Protestant War: the 'British' of Ireland and the Wars of the Three Kingdoms, in Irish Studies Review 17 (2009), 519-20
- Review of Kevin Costello, The court of admiralty of Ireland, 1575-1893 (Dublin 2011), in Irish Historical Studies (forthcoming)