Entry Requirements

The course is designed to interest
- postgraduates in the Humanities who seek a career in any branch of the cultural heritage sector, public or private;
- existing practitioners in cultural institutions, the media and the public service with an involvement in public history production or public history policy; it aims to provide continuing professional development opportunities (CPD) for these professionals and to be linked to other continuing education initiatives.
- others with an intrinsic interest in the subject.
Applications will normally be accepted from persons with a first or upper- second class degree in an appropriate Arts or Social Sciences discipline, e.g. History, Classics, History of Art, Archaeology, Philosophy, Modern Languages and Literatures, Political Science, or European Studies, but professional experience will also be relevant and will be taken into account in determining eligibility.
Applicants with English as a foreign language should be aware that this course involves extensive written assessment. A high standard of English is therefore required: please contact the course co-ordinator to discuss this question.
Applications should be made online through www.tcd.ie/courses/postgraduate/faculty. Up to date information on fees is provided on the Academic Registry website. Bursaries are sometimes available: please consult the course web pages.
The initial deadline for applications is 30th April and the first round of offers will be made shortly afterwards, but late applications will be considered. Since places on the course are limited, applicants may be interviewed or asked to submit a writing sample.
Further Information:
Please contact Dr. Ciaran O'Neill, Department of History, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland.
Telephone: 00353-1-896-1405
E-mail: ciaran.oneill@tcd.ie