Students of all backgrounds and levels are welcome to a challenging but friendly environment in which experienced and committed teachers and supervisors will enrich your experience of studying history
Post-doctoral FellowshipClick here for details of a new post-doctoral position on the Research Ireland-funded `Witnessing War, Making Peace: Testimonies of Revolution and Restraint in Inter-War Ireland` project.
RePEAT: Reimagining Ireland`s Peatlands in Precarious TimesDr Katja Bruisch and History PhD student Lily Toomey have been involved in an interdisciplinary project using early 19th- century maps to assess land-use change on Ireland`s peatlands. A temporary exhibition on the history and the legacies of the maps will be on display in the National Library of Ireland until 7 March before travelling around the country.
The Other Attack On JackPat Carty reviewed The JFK Conspiracy: The Secret Plot To Kill Kennedy – and Why It Failed in The Sunday Independent.
The Mob and The BossPat Carty reviewed Wiseguys and The White House in The Sunday Independent.
This Future Must Not Be ForeverRead Dr Gill Frank`s latest column with the Revealer from NYU`s Centre of Religion and the Media.
Societas Celtologica Europaea`s Johan-Kasper Zeuss PrizeCongratualtions to Christian Schweizer who has just won the Societas Celtologica Europaea`s Johan-Kasper Zeuss Prize for his PhD dissertation on `Dicuil’s De Cursu Solis Lunaeque: Translation and Commentary`.
Book NewsCongratualtions to Patrick Houlihan on the publication of his new book Religious Humanitarianism during the World Wars, 1914-1945: Between Atheism and Messianism with Cambridge University Press. The press has provided free online access until 5 August 2024. Click to read.
Operation BitingPat Carty reviewed Operation Biting by Max Hastings in The Irish Times.