Students of all backgrounds and levels are welcome to a challenging but friendly environment in which experienced and committed teachers and supervisors will enrich your experience of studying history
This Future Must Not Be ForeverRead Dr Gill Frank`s latest column with the Revealer from NYU`s Centre of Religion and the Media.
Societas Celtologica Europaea`s Johan-Kasper Zeuss PrizeCongratualtions to Christian Schweizer who has just won the Societas Celtologica Europaea`s Johan-Kasper Zeuss Prize for his PhD dissertation on `Dicuil’s De Cursu Solis Lunaeque: Translation and Commentary`.
Book NewsCongratualtions to Patrick Houlihan on the publication of his new book Religious Humanitarianism during the World Wars, 1914-1945: Between Atheism and Messianism with Cambridge University Press. The press has provided free online access until 5 August 2024. Click to read.
Operation BitingPat Carty reviewed Operation Biting by Max Hastings in The Irish Times.