#CyclingForAll - General Election 2020
Trinity would like to see more space allocated on Dublin roads for cycling, in particular between our campuses and residences.
In spring 2020, Trinity's #CyclingForAll campaign focused on the topics below and used the following hashtags:
#cyclingforall #trinitycyclinglink #roadsarepublicspaces #cyclingisclimateaction #ge2020 #cycling #inspiringgenerations #sustainabletrinity1. Cycling is Inclusive
We're really proud of our graduate Ronan Griffen who highlights that for those who can't drive, cycling is a fast alternative that gives great freedom. Having launched Ireland's first disability bike parking last year, Trinity is keen to highlight cycling as an inclusive mode of transport.
2. Allocate Space for Cycling
Every man, woman, and child is subsidising roads in Ireland to the sum of €600 a year because roads are paid for by general taxation. But the Trinity community walks, cycles and takes public transport.
Our public spaces, including our footpaths, cycle lanes and road, should be fairly allocated. We would like our taxation to be used to make space for the modes we use, especially segregated cycling between our campuses and residences.
Image courtesy of Irish Cycle.com
Data source: https://stopclimatechange.net/fileadmin/content/documents/move-green/The_true_costs_of_cars_EN.pdf page
3. Cycling is Climate Action 
Climate change is such a huge, frightening prospect. It can be hard to know how to act. By cycling you can reduce carbon dioxide emissions and reduce air pollution. For more information: https://www.tcd.ie/healthytrinity/travel/Campaigns.php Image source: https://www.cyclingweekly.com/news/latest-news/arnold-schwarzenegger-goes-cycling-climate-activist-greta-thunberg-441948
4. Cycle your way to academic success
Do you want to increase your chance of academic success? Try cycling.
Young people who bike to school are able to focus for 4 hours more per day than those who arrive by car. For more information, please check:
Image source: https://busconnects.ie/media/1510/nassau-street-report-october-2018.pdf
5. Cycling is Freedom 
On a bicycle there's no timetable and you're not tied to any route. You can roam free.
People who commute by bike are less likely to be stressed by their commute. The more often you use the bike, the more likely you are to feel its stress busting benefits.
Data source: https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/7/6/e013542
Image source: https://www.grcycling.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/cycling-a-sense-of-freedom-1.jpg
6. Dublin needs better cycling infrastructure
Do you feel safe cycling in Dublin?
#cyclingforall requires the proper infrastructure to make cycling in Dublin safe and effective. Areas like the Quays and Grand Canal Dock have safe segregated cycling to keep us protected on the roads, but other parts of the city centre make this mode of transport inaccessible for many.
Trinity would like to see improved cycling infrastructure in Dublin City between its main campuses and the residences it provides for students and staff. Both Trinity and Dublin would benefit. (Statement approved by Provosts' Advisory Committee on Sustainable Campus, November 2018)
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