#OperationExamination - Getting everyone through January 2021 exams
Student Learning Development
For assignment completion:
Students can avail of our appointments via our Academic Writing Centre, details here: https://student-learning.tcd.ie/services/awc/ Students can also enrol on our Blackboard module: https://student-learning.tcd.ie/blackboard/enrolment/. Here they can find recorded workshops on time management & exam skills, as well as essay writing and other self-management skills. Also, there are a wealth of self-study resources available.
For exam preparation
We have the following workshops, as well as individual appointments bookable through our website here, https://student-learning.tcd.ie/services/one-to-one/
Workshops in 2021 for Examinations: (https://student-learning.tcd.ie/workshops/)
All Undergraduate & Postgraduate students will receive an email each week with links to join SLD webinars. No advance registration is required.
Wed 6th Jan – Exam Preparation & revision 1pm
This workshop will cover ways to plan revision study time and active revision strategies.
Workshop Objectives:
- Explore how to prioritise study for exams
- Look at scheduling tips and tools
- Identify strategies to maximise retention, motivation and energy levels prior to exams.
Thurs 7th Jan – Open Book Exams 1pm
This workshop will explain open-book exams and discuss strategies for revision and implementation.
Workshop Objectives:
- Understand what open book exams are and expectations
- Learn how to prepare for this type of exam
- Discuss strategies for on the day
- Point out additional resources
Mon 11th Jan – Essays in Exams 1pm
This workshop will provide tips on taking essay-type exams to improve performance.
Workshop Objectives:
- Understand the academic conventions and processes involved in essay type exams
- Identify strategies to improve time-management and maximise exam performance
- Discuss techniques to enhance writing strategies and improve essay writing exam skills.
Student Counselling Service
The staff of the Student Counselling Service wish our students the very best of luck for January exams 2021.
SilverCloud offers online support programmes supported by a Student Counselling Service staff member. Details here: https://ie.silvercloudhealth.com/signup/tcd/
You can sign-up for Student Counselling Service groups and workshops here: www.tcd.ie/Student_Counselling/counselling/group-workshops/
For a first consultation, you can email student.counselling@tcd.ie who will set up an appointment as soon as possible.
For an overview of all the Student Counselling services, click on any of the links on this stepped care model here.
You can follow the Student Counselling Service on Instagram: @TCD_Headspace.
For details of all student mental health supports in Trinity, please go to www.tcd.ie/healthytrinity