How physically active are you?
Spend a few minutes writing down all the physical activity you do in a week. Include all activities of moderate intensity (enough to increase you heart rate and breathing) that you do throughout the day. Bouts of any length of physical activity count towards your weekly total. Consider what you do on a weekday and at the weekend.
Then have a read of the following four classifications and see where you place yourself.
Inactive |
Not getting any moderate or vigorous intensity physical activity beyond what you perform as part of your daily routine. |
Insufficiently active
This is less than the minimum level outlined in the guidelines. |
Active |
Doing 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity a week or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity physical activity a week (or a combination). This is meeting the minimum level outlined in the guidelines. |
Highly active
Doing the equivalent of 300 minutes or more of moderate intensity physical activity a week. This is more than the minimal level suggested in the guidelines. |
Source: UK Chief Medical Officers’ Physical Activity Guidelines, 2019
There are numerous ways to be physically active in Trinity. Look through the resources to find one that suits you.