Health and Sport Week 2025
For Health and Sport Week 2025 we're continuing the Green Week theme of Healthy Planet, Healthy People.
Our eclectic programme covers topics like Ozempic, Innovation for Degrowth, a PrEP clinic launch, free exercise classes, healthy lunches, a TCDSU sports day, a staff peak performance lecture, a student led movie launch of College Health's new PrEP clinic, a social Trinity on the Move event with Irish and more.
Launch - Ozempic – wonder drug or call to climate action? Walking debate
A relaxed community debate for students, staff, and the general public with lots of interaction, chat, some lunch and a TBall ticket raffle.
Ozempic is making waves in the media as a new weight loss wonder drug. And for good reason, with overweight and obesity in Ireland at >60% and Ozempic showing promising results, could it be a miracle breakthrough?
But in the context of the Biodiversity and Climate crises, and increasing acceptance that our food systems are broken, is Ozempic treating the symptom without focusing on the cause?
More details here
Public Lecture
We face a dilemma. Innovation is held high in modern Ireland and has been part of enabling our economic growth for decades. And yet, despite Ireland being a global innovation leader, we find ourselves in an existential crisis with our biosphere collapsing, our environment filthy and so many people anxious, depressed, obese, addicted, exhausted. In this public lecture, Professor Mario Pansera casts a cold, light eye over models of innovation that increasingly favour and fund solutions that align with endless economic growth. Join this lecture to discuss, can we use innovation for degrowth?
More details here, book a place here.
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Have you signed up for Trinity’s day of sponsored sport on 19th March to raise money for student hardship funds? Or donated? Link here. At 1pm on College Park all are welcome at a Súil/Rith Sóicíalta (Social walk/jog). The warm-up and cool-down will be in Irish (if you don’t speak Irish, just copy what people are doing) and the walk/jog can be in any language you like. So far, we expect chat in Irish, Romanian, Spanish, English, French and Hindi. The cool-down will be in Irish, when you can start copying again if you need to. Led by students from Oifig na Gaeilge, staff and students have already signed up from College Health, Trinity Sustainability, Trinity Disability, Student Counselling and Sport. We’d love to see you there. Remember to sign up beforehand!
And more
There's lots more in our full programme including the launch of Ireland’s first on campus PrEP clinic in College Health with a movie screening of HIV/Aids movie “How to survive a plague”, free classes galore from Trinity Sport and a Sports Day organised by TCDSU, a HR session on peak performance, morning mindfulness in College Health, a free healthy lunch with Trinity Global, Healthy Food options in Trinity Catering, Blood Pressure Checks in English or as Gaeilge in the Dining Hall, and more.
We look forward to seeing you during the week.