Sustainability in Health Sciences
Resource Links
Webinar - Sustainability in Healthcare (webinar 1 of 2)
Hosted by Cicely Roche, School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, this webinar is with Nuala Hampson, Pharmacy Lead and Senior Educator,
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare (CSH), Oxford.
Webinar - Greening the Curriculum (webinar 2 of 2)
Hosted by Cicely Roche, School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, this webinar is with Nuala Hampson, Pharmacy Lead and Senior Educator,
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare (CSH), Oxford.
School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences My Green Lab Certification
Congratulations to Trevor Woods and David Kelly in Teaching Lab 1.21 who gained Platinum Green lab status in June 2023 after joining the @My_Green_Lab challenge last year making our Pharmacy @TCDgreenlabs more sustainable.
October 2022 - Visiting Professor Mark Dooris
The Faculty of Health Sciences in conjunction with Healthy Trinity and the Sustainability Office hosted multiple events around the visit of Professor Mark Dooris, an international expert on the links between sustainability and health. Mark's visit was made possible by the Visiting Professorship & Fellowship Benefactions Fund, with funding secured by Professor Catherine Darker, School of Medicine (Public Health & Primary Care). Professors Darker and Dooris hosted the following events. Report highlighing outcomes and including powerpoint presentations is available here (opens as a PDF document).
My Green Labs
In 2021, the Faculty of Health Sciences funded three labs to register with My Green Labs. We look forward to seeing their progress towards some targeted sustainability goals over the next 12 months. The three labs are the Undergraduate Teaching Lab in the School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences (pictured); the Renal Inflammation Group (RIG) Lab in TTMI on the Trinity St James's Campus; and the Dental Technology Lab in the Dublin Dental University Hospital.
Panel Discussion on My Green Labs - a joint event with the Faculty of STEM.
A recording of this event is available here: My Green Lab Journey - YouTube