Student Academic Standing
This page provides information and guidelines for academic staff overseeing postgraduate taught and research programmes - Course Directors / Course Co-Ordinators, Supervisors, Directors of Teaching and Learning (Postgraduate) who deal directly with queries from postgraduate students. The range of topics include changes to the student's registration status, including extensions to the thesis submission deadline and off-books requests.
PhD Extension Requests
The maximum period before submission of a thesis for students on the full-time M.Litt. and M.Sc. (by research) registers and for those on the full-time Ph.D. register is two and four years respectively (three and six years respectively for students on the part-time register). An extension request must have a strong recommendation from the Director of Teaching and Learning (Postgraduate).
Requests for extensions must be submitted before the period on the higher degrees register has expired.
If the student is seeking an extension for medical or ad misericordiam reasons, the Supervisor should email their extension request to PG Cases forwarding any relevant supporting documentation, and copying the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies on their email.
Covid-19 Related Extension Requests
If the student's research has been adversely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, they may be eligible for a free of fees extension to the thesis submission deadline. Supervisors are asked to fill in the form below in support of the extension requests, which is then processed jointly by the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies and PG Cases in Academic Registry.
Please note that the extensions based on the impact of Covid-19 will only be considered for students who are in the final year of their research programme.
Where an extension is requested on medical grounds, medical certificate(s) should be available as they may be requested as part of the conditions of approval.
Off-Books Requests
In special circumstances (such as prolonged illness or absence from the country for grave ad misericordiam reasons), a graduate student may be allowed “off-books” (off the register) for one year. Application should be made by the student’s Supervisor to the Dean of Graduate Studies and must have a strong recommendation from the Director of Teaching and Learning (Postgraduate). Students may not apply directly to the Dean of Graduate Studies.
The student's Supervisor should submit the request on the Off-Books Form (PGR) (PDF 879.3 KB) directly to Please note that students who are off-books (off the register) do not pay fees but they also do not have access to college facilities including the Library. If a student is in receipt of a stipend, they should contact HR to suspend it for the duration of the off-books period. Students who are off-books on medical grounds, must submit a completed Letter of Certification to PG Cases one month prior to their return date to be reviewed by the Medical Group.
If a postgraduate student wishes to withdraw from College they must notify their Supervisor/Course Co-ordinator or Director of Teaching and Learning in writing and submit a copy of theStudent Withdrawal Form (PhD Student) (PDF 820.9 KB) to Graduate students who are seeking to withdraw from their course of study are urged to remain mindful of their tuition fee liability. Please contact Student Fees in Academic Registry if you have any queries about your tuition fee liability.
Please contact our Administrative Officer if you have any questions about your student's academic standing or check for answers on our FAQ page.