Nominations - Taught Courses

Heads of School in consultation with Course Co-Ordinators and Directors of Teaching and Learning (Postgraduate) submit nominations for external examiners to the Dean of Graduate Studies for approval on behalf of Council.

On the basis of approved nominations, Trinity Teaching and Learning maintains a consolidated list of external examiners appointed to examine postgraduate taught courses.

This register is presented to the University Council for noting annually and the names of new appointees should be presented on this list in the academic year preceding the first year of their appointment.

Heads of Schools should note that the term of appointment of external examiners is three years. Requests to extend the term of any external examiner should be made to the Dean of Graduate Studies and will only be permitted in exceptional circumstances. Download the nomination form for an External Examiner below.

For information about the payment of external examiners please visit the Trinity Teaching and Learning's External Examiners page.

Please contact our Administrative Officer if you have any questions about your student's academic standing or check for answers on our FAQ page.