Research Supervisor Development Programme

The Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies and Trinity Teaching & Learning co-host a series of workshops on best practices for effective supervision of research students. In 2021/22 the Research Supervisor Development Programme has been designed as a unique IUA collaborative webinar series with UCD, TCD, RCSI, DCU, MU, NUIG, UCC and UL. 

2023/24 Research Supervisor Development Programme

The goal of the programme is to develop and support research staff in their roles as supervisors through the delivery of interactive online workshops and seminars. The workshops focus on the approaches to common challenges and current practices within the field of research supervision. The interactive programme hosts panel discussions with experienced research supervisors and experts and offers an opportunity for peer learning and exchange of best practices.

  1. Introduction to Research Supervision 10 October 2023
    Link to Slides 10 October 2023
  2. Starting Well: Key elements to 'get right' with a Year 1 PhD Student 23 January 2024


2022/23 Research Supervisor Development Programme

Please find below the recordings of the selected PhD supervisor workshops delivered in the academic year 2022/23.

  1. Introduction to Research Supervision at Trinity College Dublin, 6th October 2022.
  2. Supervising Doctoral Students in Multidisciplinary Teams: Experiences from Finland, 17th November 2022. View Presentation Here.
  3. Mental Health and Well-being for PGR Students: Canaries in the Coalmine: Supervisors' and Postgraduate Researchers’ Mental Health and Well-being, 9th February 2023.

2021/22 Research Supervisor Development Programme

Please find below the recordings of the selected PhD supervisor workshops delivered in the academic year 2021/22.

2020/21 Research Supervisor Development Programme

Below we included the recordings of the Research Supervisor Development workshops delivered in the previous academic year 2020/21.

Regulations and Resources

The current Regulations for Eligibility to Supervise Research Students are available in the Calendar Part III.

If you have any questions please contact the Administrative Officer in Graduate Studies or check for answers on our FAQ page.