Our Approach

Following a six-month period of broad consultation with the university community and development of an approach to implementation design, in May 2022, University Council approved the proposed incremental approach to a programme of renewal over three horizons - Horizon 1, 2, and 3.

incremental programme delivery graph

The Programme has adopted an approach of ‘Now, Where, How’ to determine the direction of renewal for programme deliverables. In developing proposals for consideration, initially the Programme identifies current practices, policies / position through data analysis and consultation with the community – the ‘now’. Where regulatory standards exist, the university’s alignment with current standards is assessed. Thereafter, best practice is benchmarked in peer institutions (national and international). Together, these activities enable the Programme to develop proposals setting out the opportunities for renewal (where), including a plan of how to get there.

Horizon 1

Horizon 1 focuses on clarifying and simplifying some of our core activities. Its deliverables are organised into five themes of ‘structured PhD + doctoral programmes’, ‘student and staff experience’, ‘curriculum and Triple I’, ‘student lifecycle’, and ‘financial’ and have been progressed through the Programme’s six Work Packages (see Programme governance). Go to our ‘You said / We did’ page to find out about Horizon 1 achievements to date.

Horizon 1 Graph

Horizon 2

Horizon 2 will focus on enhancing the activities within the scope of Horizon 1, and planning is well underway for the second horizon to begin in September 2023. Its scope has been significantly shaped by the proposals developed and approved in Horizon 1. Reflecting continued engagement with the College community, Horizon 2 will have an overarching theme of Community & Connection. Under it we will continue the themes of ‘structured PhD + doctoral programmes’, ‘student and staff experience’, ‘student lifecycle’ and ‘curriculum and Triple I’. A new theme of ‘structures and spaces’ will be introduced reflecting the identified need for a dedicated structure and space for postgraduate research students to foster a greater sense of community and meet the diverse range of needs that exist across the postgraduate student population.

Community umbrella graphic

Horizon 3

The ambition for Horizon 3 is to transform how we do our business. Some of what we hope to achieve will require significant investment. Our goal through Horizons 1 and 2 is to ensure that we fully understand what we want to achieve and how it can be achieved, so that when we invest, we deliver the target outcome.

Email Us

For any Postgraduate Renewal Programme related queries, please contact us at pgrenewal@tcd.ie.

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