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Learn about European Funding Opportunities for Junior Researchers

Webinar on May 4th, 11-12am (Paris time)

Are you a doctoral student or a post-doctorate at Sorbonne University and willing to pursue a career in research? Are you interested in joining one of Sorbonne University’s laboratories for your research? You will have an overview of the different opportunities for junior researchers and you will understand which funding instrument is adapted to your profile and your career goals. This webinar is offered in English for doctoral or post-doctoral researchers from Sorbonne University, the Alliance Sorbonne Université, the 4EU+ Alliance, strategic international partners and LERU members.


  • Funding opportunities after your PhD in terms of mobility fellowships and frontier research
  • Presentation of ERC Starting grants and Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships
  • Testimonies from laureates
  • Available support and contact persons at Sorbonne University

Find out more at European funding opportunities for junior researchers.

Register today as places are limited!