Student Recruitment – who we are and what we do

The Student Recruitment team offer a high-quality, personalised support service and can advise you on queries about admissions, programme choice, life in Dublin and student life on campus.

Our team covers every region, and we aim to build on Trinity’s reputation as one of the most international universities in the world by attracting students from all backgrounds and locations.

We are proud of our role in creating diversity at Trinity, with international students from over 120 countries making up more than 29% of the student body.

We have a created many opportunities and channels for you to learn why Trinity might be the right fit for you. We are here to help you navigate the university and are a “One Stop Shop” for all questions. You can speak to us directly and, if you would like to book a one-to-one appointment with one of our regional team members you can find our contact details in your country’s page.

We are happy to assist and provide guidance and we look forward to hearing from you.