Erasmus+ Grant: Teaching Mobility and Professional Staff Development

All Trinity employees interested in visiting a partner institution to expand their knowledge, acquire professional experience or expand their network may apply for the Erasmus+ fund. 

Staff Teaching and Staff Training are incorporated into two segments in Erasmus+: 

  • KA 131 
  • KA 171 

KA 131 - Learning Mobility of Individuals 

This action supports physical and blended mobility of higher education students and staff from EU Member States and third countries associated with Erasmus+ to any country in the world. 

A call for Staff Mobility Application (teaching and administrative staff) will open in March 2025.

Places are very limited and a selection process with the criteria will be announced to select the eligible staff.

No mobilities will be supported outside of the call above mentioned. 

KA 171 - Learning Mobility of Individuals  

Enables project-based student, doctoral and staff mobility to specific countries outside the EU.   

Important note about mobilities under KA171:   

  • Outgoing mobilities permitted for PhD and staff (regions 2-11 only) 
  • Incoming students (all levels & all regions except 13 & 14) 
  • Incoming Staff (Teaching & Training – all regions except 13 & 14) 

Visit the list of Eligible Countries and their Regions here. 

All Trinity Schools and departments are encouraged to apply for the grant.  

  • The next call will open in November 2025 and will close on February 2025.  
  • General information about the project structure can be found here.  

Detailed information on how to submit your proposal will be available by August/25. 

All submitted applications that meet the criteria of Erasmus+ Programme will be included in the institutional application that Trinity Global team will submit to Irish Erasmus+ National Agency (HEA) by February 2026. 

Note: Mobilities under KA171 grant only can happen within the schools/departments related to the submitted project. 

Support available for you to submit a successful project proposal 

Information sessions will be delivered prior to the application deadline to provide orientation and guidance on the application process.  Follow our communication invitation in the Trinity Staff Newsletter and T-NET. 

For more information and support about the Staff Mobility on Erasmus+ KA131 and KA171 contact our Partnerships team: 


Staff Mobility at Trinity 

If you are staff of a partner institution or interested in a staff mobility experience for training or teaching at Trinity it is important to note that the management of Erasmus+ Incoming Staff Mobilities at Trinity is not centralised. 

This means that staff from other institutions willing to be hosted for a Staff Mobility experience with us will need to contact the interested Department/School/ Area to check availability and capacity directly. 

Trinity has a huge structure of departments and schools, so I really recommend you to be very specific about which area/department you are expecting to have a mobility experience.  

Please, visit this link to familiarise yourself with our structure and highlight the specific area you want to visit: 

On this link interested incoming staff will have information about the contact people and have an idea about the roles from each Department/School/. This link could be helpful  to identify which roles are more closely related to the incoming staff interest. 

Be very specific about the activities and topics you want to discuss/learn during the mobility to provide the Department/School/ Area with the most information possible about your expectations to evaluate the capacity to host you. 

For more information and support about the Staff Mobility on Erasmus+ at Trinity College Dublin, contact our Partnerships team: 

  1. Connect with peers abroad to develop common activities to achieve the objectives, exchange expertise and good practices, and enhance cooperation between higher education institutions;
  2. Experience new educational environments and contexts to improve competencies linked to staff’s professional profile, and to acquire new innovative administrative, pedagogical and curriculum design skills as well as digital skills; 
  3. Broaden the understanding of practices, policies and systems in education across countries;
  4. Increase capacity to trigger changes in terms of modernisation and international opening within educational organisations;
  5. Deliver better learning experiences, services and activities in favour of students;
  6. Develop a greater understanding and responsiveness to all kinds of diversity, e.g. social, ethnic, linguistic, gender and cultural diversity as well as diverse abilities, and increase the ability to address the needs of people with fewer opportunities;
  7. Be able to better prepare students for the world of work and gain a greater understanding of interconnections between formal and non-formal education, vocational training and the labour market respectively;
  8. Support and promote mobility activities for learners;
  9. Increase opportunities for professional and career development;
  10. Improve foreign language and digital competencies;
  11. Increase motivation and satisfaction in the daily work. 

Staff for Teaching Assignment (STA)

Staff mobility for Teaching (STA) can be in any subject area/academic discipline relevant to the area of expertise of the faculty member. The receiving institution (Host Institution) must agree on the programme of activities of the visiting faculty member, through the co-development and signing of the Mobility Agreement prior to the start of the mobility period. The teaching assignment should be integrated in the curriculum of the receiving institution. 

  • EU partner institution only 
  • Must be within the discipline as per the agreement 
  • 5 days will be funded excluding travel days 
  • Min 8 hours of teaching 
  • Must have approval from the Head of School/Dean 
  • Can be a combined teaching & training mobility (4 hours teaching & 4 hours training) 
  • Can be blended mobility – online component not funded    

Staff for Training (STT)

Staff for Training (STT) supports the professional development of both administrative staff and faculty in the form of training actions abroad (excluding conferences), staff training weeks (see: IMOTION), seminars, workshops, courses, job shadowing and observations in a HEI (including non-partners Universities) or a relevant institution/enterprise.

The sending institution and the receiving institution/enterprise must agree on the programme of activities to be undertaken by the visiting administrative staff and faculty member (through the Mobility Agreement) prior to the start of the mobility period. 

  1. The host institution for Training mobilities in EU programme countries could either be one of the partner universities or any other university or enterprise relevant to the proposed activities.
  2. Must be approved in advance by the Head of School/line manager
  3. 5 days will be funded excluding travel days
  4. Min. 8 hours training
  5. Must be related to the staff’s professional development and address their learning and personal development needs.
  6. Can be blended mobility – online component not funded

Any member of academic or administrative staff on a permanent or fixed contract who has worked at Trinity for a minimum of 1 year and has a minimum of 12 months remaining on their contract from the moment of the application.

As a general rule, the coincidence of more than three staff members at the same host university on the same dates will be avoided. In those cases where the coincidence of a higher number of participants is considered justified, a written explanation must be provided for evaluation by the Selection Committee. 

Duration and Mobility Period

In order to maximize the positive impact of mobility on the host institution's programme and Trinity, the duration of the stay will be, as a general rule, (5) five full working days at the host university. Sundays will not be considered as such (except in those countries where this day is considered a working day). 

In the case of intra-European destinations (EU member countries and associated third countries), stays may be made for a period shorter than that indicated, provided that a minimum of two consecutive working days is met. 

In the case of activities within the framework of International Training Weeks (Staff Training Weeks), the duration will be that planned by the organizing institution. In order to be approved, the duration must be at least two working days. Funding will cover a maximum of five days, in those countries where the duration is not specified.  

Financial Support and Rates

Participating staff will receive an Erasmus+ grant for contribution to the costs of travel and subsistence, as a reimbursement after the mobility in the form of a travel grant and an individual support. Travel grant and individual support funds are allocated separately.  

Travel Allowance

Travel must be vouched if being claimed as a reimbursement or purchased through iProc. 

It is the claimant's entire responsibility to compare the two values in advance and claim the lower of the two with the support of Trinity Global. 

The Erasmus+ amount allocated for travel depends on the distance from Trinity to the destination of your mobility.  See the European Commission’s distance calculator. 

 The following are the Erasmus+ rates for travel: 

Travel Distance Standard Travel  Green Travel
10-99km 23 EUR  
100-499km 180 EUR 210 EUR
500-1999km 275 EUR 320 EUR
2000-2999km 360 EUR 410 EUR
3000-3999km 530 EUR 610 EUR
4000-7999km 820 EUR  
8000km or more 1500 EUR  


Individual Support Allowance

The University follows Erasmus+ guidelines for the allocation of staff funding; however, daily allowances must not exceed Irish Revenue rates, listed in the Trinity College Dublin Travel Policy. (Read: Travel and Subsistence Rates in Ireland and Abroad). 

Note: The Erasmus+ daily rate will be applied, capped at the Revenue rate, where applicable. 

  • Per Diem will be the preferable basis for the reimbursement calculation. 
  • Receipt rates will apply if there is no per diem listed for the country/city  

It is the claimant's entire responsibility to compare the two values in advance and claim the lower of the two with the support of Trinity Global. 

The Erasmus+ amount allocated for subsistence in each destination can be seen in the table below. However, Trinity Financial Service Division can only process claims that are in line with the Revenue approved rates as per the Travel and Subsistence Rates in Ireland and Abroad booklet. 

Country Minimum and Maximum Amount per day (€)
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden  €90 - €180 
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain  €79 - €160 
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Türkiye  €67 - €140 

Eligible costs: 

  • Subsidy for the stay – daily subsistence allowance, accommodation, local transport for abroad. 
  • Travel grant – flights, train, public transport or private car transport from the place of stay to the mobility destination on the day of arrival and departure.

Additional Support 

Additional funding is available for staff with physical, mental or health-related conditions via the Erasmus+ special needs support.

Staff opting for green travel to allow sustainable methods of locomotion will receive up to 4 days of additional funded travel days, if relevant. Proof of green travel must be provided, e.g., a train ticket. 

Doubts and Clarification

For more information about the funding process for this programme please contact  

All support and details of the resources available for the mobility will be provided to the selected staff through this call, before, during and after mobility. 

Methods of Payment

Selected staff will receive information on the Erasmus+ grant available for the requested mobility based on Erasmus+ criteria and the TCD Travel Policy. Claimed expenses must not exceed the Erasmus+ grant amount, as noted in the Grant Agreement, or the Revenue capped amount if lower.

1. Submission of the Expense Claim  

Following mobility, staff can request reimbursement upon the submission of the following documents: 

  • Letter of Confirmation of the grant issued by Trinity Global 
  • Receipt of the expenses to be claimed where there is no per diem listed for the country/city  
  • Staff Mobility Grant Agreement 
  • Certificate of Attendance 
  • Final Report 
  • Erasmus Survey Completion

2. Ticket Purchase

The issuing of the transport ticket to the destination will be the responsibility of the employee. 

The transport ticket to the destination will be purchased directly by the staff with a request for reimbursement in the iExpenses. 

3. Reimbursement of Expenses Related to the Mobility

Daily allowances must not exceed those capped by Revenue and listed in the Trinity College Dublin Travel Policy: Travel and Subsistence Rates in Ireland and Abroad. 

Trinity Global will guide the staff to submit the claim via iExpenses considering Per Diem or Receipt where there is no per diem listed for the country/city or training can be availed via: