In the long-term, the Centre aims to develop a suite of academic programmes (PG Cert/ PG Dip/ MA in Forced Displacement Studies), as well as Continuing Professional Development (CPD) modules and short courses/training for organisations which support refugees. The Director has considerable experience of providing training on trauma-informed approaches to working with those who have experienced forced displacement, to UNHCR staff, social workers and social care workers, lawyers and border agency staff working with these populations in Dublin. Given the ever-changing context of forced migration, the CPD and short courses may, from time to time, include bespoke training commissioned by different organisations.

Members of the Centre will be able to target their extensive networks of people working with this population for focused training delivery. These networks are likely to include, but are not restricted to, the following: staff in relevant government departments, The Irish Refugee Council, Immigrant Council of Ireland, the National Centre for Survivors of Torture (Spirasi), the Irish Child and Family agency (TUSLA), City of Dublin Education and Training Board (CDETB), the Health Services Executive (HSE), Irish Red Cross, Migrant Rights Centre Ireland, The Irish anti trafficking organisation (Mecpaths). Scholars at Risk, and the University of Sanctuary network.

These modules and planned programmes will be designed to support and develop the next generation of scholars, policy-makers and practitioners working with displaced populations as well as to foster a culture of critical reflection in the wider humanitarian community.