Tescan Tiger

Tescan Tiger, iCrag, Geology, Trinity College Dublin.
Facility Tescan Tiger
Bookings and Enquiries iCRAG-SEM@tcd.ie
Staff Contact Dr. Emma Tomlinson
Research Assistant Dr. Paul Guyett

Basement, 4/5 East End, TCD

  • Tescan TIGER MIRA3 FEG-SEM equipped with motorised backscatter electron and colour cathodoluminescence detectors, two Oxford Instruments X-Max 150 mm2 detectors and a WITec RISE Raman system.
  • Fully quantitative point analysis (Astimex 53 calibration), superfast elemental mapping, mineral liberation analysis, and Aztec Live mapping with Oxford Instruments Aztec software, correlative Raman mapping.
  • Holds 2 x 2.5cm round epoxy mounts and 1 x 2.5 cm x 7.5 cm thin sections or 4 x 2.5cm round epoxy mounts
  • Principally used for elemental analysis of polished thin section samples or imaging using BSE or CL detectors.
  • Examples of samples analysed include silicate minerals, tephra, sulphides, apatite.
Additional information The Tescan TIGER is a custom-built analytical instrument involving three companies from three countries; Tescan in the Czech Republic, Oxford Instruments in the United Kingdom, and WITec in Germany.
Selected lab. publications

Ubide T. and Kamber B.S. (2018): Volcanic crystals as time capsules of eruption history. Nature Communications 9, 326.

Henrichs I.A., O’Sullivan G., Chew D.M., Mark C., Babechuk M.G., McKenna C., Emo R. (2018). The trace element and U-Pb systematics of metamorphic apatite. Chemical Geology, 483, 218–238.

Kaeter D., Barros R., Menuge J.F., Chew D.M. (2018). The magmatic–hydrothermal transition in rare-element pegmatites from southeast Ireland: LA-ICP-MS chemical mapping of muscovite and columbite–tantalite. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 240, pp. 98-130.

Ansberque, C., Mark, C., Caulfield, J.T., Chew, D.M. (2019). Combined in-situ determination of halogen (F, Cl) content in igneous and detrital apatite by SEM-EDS and LA-Q-ICPMS: A potential new provenance tool. Chemical Geology, 524, pp. 406-420.

Zhao L. et al., (2020). Tracing mineralization history from the compositional textures of sulfide association: A case study of the Zhenzigou stratiform Zn-Pb deposit, NE China. Ore Geology Reviews, Volume 126, November 2020, 103792.