

Dr. Emma Tomlinson

Technical Staff Cora McKenna (lab. technician)
Gary O’Sullivan (research assistant)
Location Unit 7, Trinity Technology And Enterprise Centre (TTEC), Pearce Street.
  • Spectro Arcos OPI ICP-OES
  • Axial View system designed for high sensitivity, coupled with a CCD optic system with a Paschen-Runge mount assembly allowing for a wavelength range coverage from 130 to 770 nm. Resolution is 8.5 picometer in the range of 130-340 nm and 15 picometer for higher wavelengths.
  • Two modes of operation:
    • Coupled with Teledyne Photon Machines 193nm UV laser for solid sampling (see in situ geochem)
    • Coupled with Teledyne Cetac ASX-520 autosampler for solution analysis (e.g. bulk rock digestions or water samples)
Samples Suitable for both major element geochemistry (wt% major oxide determinations) and trace element analysis (ppm) of natural materials.
Additional information Supported by the General Laboratory for all sample preparation, including LiBO3 fusion and acid digestion.
Selected lab. publications O’Sullivan, E., Goodhue, R., Ames, D.E., and Kamber, B.S. (2016) Chemostratigraphy of the Sudbury impact basin fill: Volatile metal loss and post-impact evolution of a submarine impact basin. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 183 198-233.