Geochronology LA-ICP-MS

Facility Geochronology LA-ICP-MS

Dr David Chew

Lab technician Leona O’Connor

Basement, 4/5 East End, TCD

  • Photon machines Photon Machines Analyte Excite 193nm UV laser with a Helex two-volume cell coupled to an Agilent 7900 ICP-MS.
  • Sample introduced using an ARIS capillary via an (optional) in house signal-smoothing device.
  • Samples analysed as spots (7-260µm) or via 2D/3D mapping
Samples Holders for 4 x 5cm (or 2 x 7.5 cm) thin sections and 3 x 2.5cm round epoxy mounts and for9 x 2.5cm round epoxy mounts. Principally used for U-Pb geochronology
Selected lab publications

O’Sullivan, G., Chew, D., Mark, C., Henrichs, I., Morton, A. (2018) An integrated apatite geochronology and geochemistry tool for sedimentary provenance analysis. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, doi:10.1002/2017GC007343.

Henrichs, I.A., O’Sullivan, G., Chew, D.M., Mark, C., Babechuk, M.G., McKenna, C., Emo, R. (2018). The trace element and U-Pb systematics of metamorphic apatite. Chemical Geology, 483, 218–238. 

Chew, D.M., Petrus, J.A., Kenny, G.G. and McEvoy, N. (2017). Rapid high-resolution U–Pb LA-Q-ICPMS age mapping of zircon. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 32 (2), 262-276
Chew, D.M., Petrus, J.A. and Kamber, B.S (2014) U-Pb LA-ICPMS dating using accessory mineral standards with variable common Pb. Chemical Geology, 363C, 185-199

Heron, K., Jessell, M., Harris, E., Benn, K., Crowley, Q. 2016. The Tasiast Deposit, Mauritania, Ore Geology Reviews, 78, 564-572.

Crowley, Q.G., Strachan, R.A. 2015. U-Pb zircon constraints on obduction initiation of the Unst Ophiolite: an oceanic core complex in the Scottish Caledonides? Journal of the Geological Society, 172, 279-282.

Crowley, Q.G., Heron, K., Riggs, N., Kamber, B. Chew, D., McConnell, B., Benn, K. 2014. Chemical Abrasion Applied to LA-ICP-MS U–Pb Zircon Geochronology. Minerals 4, 503-518.

Mukhopadhyay, J., Crowley, Q.G., Ghosh, S., Ghosh, G., Chakrabarti, K., Misra, B., Heron, K., Bose, S. 2014. Oxygenation of the Archean Atmosphere: New Paleosol Constraints from Eastern India, Geology, 923-926.