Tescan S8000

Facility iCRAG lab @TCD
Bookings and enquiries iCRAG-SEM@tcd.ie
Staff contact Dr. Emma Tomlinson
Research Associate Dr. Paul Guyett
Location Basement, 4/5 East End, TCD

• Tescan S8000 MIRA4 FEG-SEM with motorised backscatter electron and colour cathodoluminescence detectors, and four Oxford Instruments X-Max 170 mm2 detectors.

• Oxford Instruments EBSD is to be installed.

• Fully quantitative point analysis (Astimex 53 calibration), superfast elemental mapping, mineral liberation analysis, and Aztec Live mapping with Oxford Instruments Aztec software, correlative Raman mapping.


• Holds 2 x 2.5cm round epoxy mounts and 1 x 2.5 cm x 7.5 cm thin sections or 4 x 2.5cm round epoxy mounts

• Principally used for elemental analysis of polished thin section samples or imaging using BSE or CL detectors.

• Examples of samples analysed include silicate minerals, tephra, sulphides, and apatite.