Solution ICP-MS Laboratory

Lab name:

Solution ICP-MS Laboratory


Cora McKenna

Lab technician:

Cora McKenna


Unit 7, Trinity Technology And Enterprise Centre (TTEC), Pearce Street.


  • Thermo Scientific iCAP-Qc ICP-MS, equipped with either high matrix or high sensitivity inserts and optional collision cell.
  • Sample introduced using a HEPA filter enclosed ESI SC2 DX autosampler and single syringe 2-valve microFAST system for precisely controlled sample uptake.


  • Ultra-trace (sub ppb) geochemistry of digested bulk rock samples.
  • Regularly used for the analysis of silicate, carbonate and water samples.
  • Capable of ppt determinations of trace elements in waters.

Additional information:

Supported by the Ultra-clean Laboratory for all sample preparation.

Selected lab.  publications

Gill, L.W., Babechuk, M.G., Kamber, B.S., McCormack, T., Murphy, C., 2018. Use of trace and rare earth elements to quantify autogenic and allogenic inputs within a lowland karst network. Applied Geochemistry.

Hahn, K.E., Turner, E.C., Babechuk, M.G., Kamber, B.S., 2015. Deep-water seep-related carbonate mounds in a Mesoproterozoic alkaline lake, Borden Basin (Nunavut, Canada). Precambrian Research, 271: 173-197.