The Discipline of Geology hosts state-of-the-art analytical facilities, with a particular focus on elemental geochemistry and geochronology.

We analyse a variety of Earth materials, from water and peat to volcanic glass and minerals, such as apatite and diamond, to determine age, provenance and formation processes and address a range of geological questions. We specialise in analytical method development and refinement, including ultra-low trace element analysis and 2D and 3D mapping.

Facilities include two LA-ICP-MS systems, a solution ICP-MS system and associated clean laboratory for ultra-low blank trace element analyses, two dedicated geoscience field emission gun SEMs including one instrument with in-built Raman, polychromatic CL and large-format EDS detectors. The department is also equipped with a CF-IRMS for the analysis of H-C-N-O isotopes in organic matter and carbonates. The Geology department also hosts full sample preparation facilities for rock crushing, mineral separation and a thin section laboratory.