Geochemistry uses the tools and principles of chemistry to explain the mechanisms behind major geological systems such as the Earth’s crust and its oceans.

The realm of geochemistry extends beyond the Earth, encompassing the entire solar system and has made important contributions to the understanding of some processes including mantle convection, the formation of planets, and the origins of granite and basalt. Our research focuses on the investigation of spatial and temporal variability of element cycles and detailed deductions from the makeup of rocks, minerals and other compounds. We address both fundamental questions such as ‘How old is a rock’ and applied questions such as ‘Where and how do the critical elements we need for our new technologies concentrate’.

We have a diverse portfolio of research, which includes isotope and tephro-stratigraphy, thermal history, tectonic processes and the evolution of magmas. Much of our current work focuses on mapping geochemistry at the sub-microscopic scale. At this scale, the behaviour of chemical elements in solid matter is governed by the exact structure of the surrounding crystal. The quantification of these effects is at the forefront of geochemical research at Trinity and around the world.


Balz Kamber early Earth evolution, crustal and magma evolution

David Chew geochronology, isotope geochemistry, low temperature thermochronology

Quentin Crowley geochronology, isotope geochemistry, biogeochemistry

Emma Tomlinson mantle geochemistry, metasomatism, tephra geochemistry

Sean McClenaghan ore deposits, exhalative massive sulphides, trace elements

Juan Diego Rodriguez-Blanco Mineral-water interaction processes; crystallisation; low temperature geochemistry

Robbie Goodhue building materials, stable isotopes, vitrinite reflectance

Chris Nicholas stable isotopes, geochemistry in petroleum exploration

Ian Sanders early Solar system evolution

Cora McKenna flood basalts