ESRL Projects

Below are a selection of on-going and recent projects which have been approved for use of ESRL facilities.

Geology Survey Logo small
Tellus Geochemical Survey - GSI

Major and trace element analysis of soils and sediments for the GSI Tellus geochemical survey.
2019 December 6

Galway University Logo small
Quantifying Ireland’s Dust Bowl: An interdisciplinary assessment of potential loess genesis, deposition, and dynamics in the Burren - Dr Gordon Bromley

WD-XRF pressed powder analysis of silt and soil samples.
2021 March 23

UCL Logo
Geochemical characterisation of arc lavas from the South Sandwich Islands - Dr Emma Liu & Dr Mike Stock

ED-XRF analysis of lavas and pyroclastic rocks.
2021 March 15

Trinity College Dublin Logo
Messages from the deep: Assessing the thermal and chemical evolution of the mantle during initiation of the North Atlantic Igneous Province - Dr Elliot Carter

WD-XRF fused bead and pressed powder pellet analysis of basalt lava samples.
2020 November 3

Trinity College Dublin Logo
Metal enrichment in modern and fossil leaves - Dr Micha Ruhl & Prof. Jennifer McElwain

Hg analysis of modern and fossil leaves and sediments.
2020 November 3

Trinity College Dublin Logo
Jurassic depositional environments and hydrocarbon source-rock formation in Irish and nearby marine basins - Dr Micha Ruhl

Hg and ED-XRF analysis of marl and carbonate sediments.
2020 September 2

Trinity College Dublin Logo
Deadly kiss of the LIPs: linking LIP volcanism with mass extinctions - Dr Micha Ruhl

Hg analysis of lacustrine and terrestrial organic matter.
2020 September 2