Zuko Qashani

Geology Department Postgraduate Web Pages

Zuko Qashani, Geology

Title of Project

Quantifying the thickness of the cratonic lithosphere overtime

Postgraduate research summary

I recently completed my MSc Geology in May 2023 from the University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa; and worked on the unusual diamondiferous leucite-bearing Group 2 kimberlite (a.k.a Orangeite and/or Kaapvaal lamproite) from Kareevlei mine.

I started my PhD at TCD in July 2023, working with Dr Emma Tomlinson. My PhD project focuses mainly on quantifying the thickness of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Kaapvaal craton, and this involves the collection and evaluation of samples of various ages from different locations across the Kaapvaal craton. Outcomes of this study will then give insight into the thermal evolution of the lithosphere, the thickness of the early lithosphere, and as well as timing and rate of lithospheric thinning. METHODOLOGY encompasses calculating equilibration pressure and temperature of peridotite xenoliths and diamonds, dating individual garnet inclusions in diamonds, and as well as calculating geothermal gradient and thickness.

Name of supervisors

Dr. Emma Tomlinson, Dr. Phil Janney (UCT)

Project Start Date

March 2023



Contact Details

Email: qashaniz@tcd.ie

T: @ZukoQashani