Vincent Monchal

Geology Department Postgraduate Web Pages

Vincent Monchal, Geology TCD

Title of Project

U-Pb LA-ICP-MS dating of carbonates veins in orogenic belts by image mapping technique

Postgraduate research summary

I completed a License in volcanology and magmatology in Blaise Pascal university, Clermont-Ferrand (center France), then I carried out a Master's in mineralogy, mapping and exploitation of resources in Rennes 1 University, Rennes (western France). I did a two month internship during the first year of my master on the modelling of chaos theory applied to gas bubbles in a volcanic vent in the Laboratoire Magma et Volcan, Clermont-Ferrand. During the second year of my master's, I did a seven month internship on U-Pb geochronology by split-stream LA-ICPMS on granulites rocks from the Adrar des Iforas (Mali) where I acquired my speciality.
Since then, I pursue my research exploiting the versatility of LA-ICP-MS dating calcite using the U-Pb imaging technique developed by Kerstin. My PhD was oriented around veins, but my collaborations provided me opportunities ranging from mineral ores to paleosoil pedogenic nodules and paleo-glacial markers.

I'm interested in popularisation of sciences and teaching activities, I've already created in France two event of popularisation. The first one involving a mineral show and some practical demonstrations involving minerals. The second one is more theoretical with the organisation of talks prepared by master's students that aim to popularise any kind of geology related subject to the general population. Even if I'm not actually involved at the first plan in those events, they still exist and attract peoples over the years so my goal is achieved.

Name of supervisor

Dr. David Chew

Project Start Date

September 2019



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