Talha Ucar

Geology Department Postgraduate Web Pages

Talha Ucar, Geology TCD

Title of Project

Origin of Epithermal Type Mineralization and Alteration

Project details

Biga Peninsula is a region where mineral deposits and occurrences are intense. The history of mining activities here goes back to 1200 BC. There are 205 mineral deposits and occurrences in the peninsula, including 11 different metallic elements. Numerically the most abundant are base metals, iron, gold and antimony. (Atabey et al.2012).

In the Biga Peninsula, where exploration and mining activities operate intensively, tectonic and hydrothermal events as well as magmatism that develop at different times cause ore formation in different systems. Following the closure of the Neotethyan Ocean, the extensional regime has taken place in different periods in the Cenozoic time. The N-S extension phase, which started in the Middle Miocene in Western Anatolia and still continues today, is defined by ~E-W striking normal faults with dip slip component in the Biga Peninsula. These faults, which cut the Miocene magmatic units, played an active role in the formation of E-W trending grabens in the region.

The purpose of the Master Thesis is; to reveal the existence of Epithermal Type Mineralization and the characteristics of the alteration that constitute the mineralization with the field and laboratory studies to be carried out in the field.

Name of supervisors

Dr. Sean Mc Clenaghan, Dr. David Lentz

Project Start Date

May 2021


Ministry of National Education

Other relevant information

I am Talha. I graduated from Firat University in 2012 in Turkey. Following my graduation, I worked as a geological engineer for six years in a drilling company. I took an active role in different type of engineering structures such as dam, bridge, tunnel. In 2018, I was awarded with a scholarship from the Turkey Ministry of National Education to be an expert on Epithermal Type

Mineralization subject. When I complete my master successfully, I will come back to Turkey and work as exploration geologist in General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration.

Contact Details

Email: ucart@tcd.ie

Tel: +353 89 2571671