Shujing Zhang

Geology Department Postgraduate Web Pages

Shujing Zhang, Geology TCD

Title of Project

Constraining global change events in the marine sedimentary record by novel LA-QQQ-ICP-MS approaches

Postgraduate research summary

I graduated from China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) with undergrad degree in Resource Prospecting Engineering in 2018. Then I completed my Master's degree majoring in Geochemistry at Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2021.

My current research is focused on (1)the elemental and isotopic proxies in fossil shell carbonate from the Lower Jurassic of NW Europe and therefore provide further understanding of ocean and climatic conditions across the T-P Boundary and during the T-OAE. (2)the potential of triple quadrupole ICP-MS (ICP-QQQ-MS) in the development of a rapid, robust and reproducible method for the analysis of elemental and isotopic proxies in fossil shell carbonate in sedimentary successions. (3)U-Pb carbonate dating of different carbonate bioclast components (low Mg calcite, high Mg calcite, aragonite) to test the reproducibility of such components in constraining stratigraphic ages or their susceptibility to diagenetic resetting.

Name of supervisors

Dr. David Chew, Dr. Micha Ruhl

Project Start Date

September 2021


TCD-CSC grant

Contact Details


T: @shujingzh