Luca Terribili

Geology Department Postgraduate Web Pages

Luca Terribili, Geology TCD

Title of Project

SEparating Critical metals ThrOugh mineRal crystallization (SEleCTOR)

Postgraduate research summary

I got my Bachelor degree in Geology and my Master degree in Geoscience at University of Trieste, Italy. My research projects focused respectively on the hydrogeological and
geomorphological characterization of the north-western part of the Istrian peninsula (Croatia) and on the study of mercury contamination in the Grado and Marano lagoon (northern Adriatic Sea, Italy).
After graduation, I worked for two years as research assistant at University of Trieste. The research activity concerned the identification of the karst areas and regional and cross-border karst aquifers present in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region (north-eastern Italy).

In September 2020 I started my PhD at Trinity College Dublin. The purpose of my research is to study the fate of Rare Earth Elements (REE) during the crystallisation of calcium carbonate under different physicochemical conditions.

My PhD project is a part of the broader SEleCTOR project which aims to develop the foundation knowledge to design novel clean and cheap techniques for separating REE from water.

Name of supervisors

Dr. Juan Diego Rodriguez-Blanco

Project Start Date

September 2020


SFI - Frontiers for the Future + GSI

Contact Details
