Jack Beckwith

Geology Department Postgraduate Web Pages

Jack Beckwith, Geology TCD

Title of Project

The dynamics of country rock assimilation and PGE mineralisation in layered mafic intrusions

Postgraduate research summary

I am a first-year PhD student conducting research as part of the SFI Critical-Ireland project, which focuses on understanding the fundamental magmatic processes which generate PGE mineralisations. Specifically, my project sees me studying the Carlingford Igneous Complex (Co. Louth).
Here, the exposed Palaeogene intrusions provide a natural laboratory to study the dynamics of country rock assimilation and magma mixing and its effect on intrusion-type PGE mineralisations. I am currently working on structurally and geochemically characterising the mafic intrusions from which to compare with contaminated types.

I joined TCD after completing an MSci at Royal Holloway, University of London. My final year project was titled ‘What processes drive voluminous granite generation: insights from Scottish cumulates’, which took a petrographic and in situ geochemical approach to elucidate the crustal storage and evolution of the cumulates.

Name of supervisors

Dr. Mike Stock, Prof. David Chew, Prof. Marian Holness (University of Cambridge), Dr. Jens Andersen (CSM)

Project Start Date

September 2022


SFI Frontiers for the Future

Contact Details
