Fay Amstutz

Geology Department Postgraduate Web Pages

Fay Amstutz, Geology TCD

Title of Project

Controls on the architecture and dynamics of the Campi Flegrei magmatic system in the last 15 kyr.

Postgraduate research summary

I started my PhD at Trinity in 2021. My research focuses on Campi Flegrei, near Naples, Italy. I am interested in the controls on the magmatic system of this volcano in the last 15 kyr, and correlating these with the timing, style and locations of the volcano's most recent eruptions. I am using a combination of modelling and geochemical analysis to build a picture of the volcano's magmatic system.

Before joining Trinity, I graduated from the University of Oxford with a MEarthSci, in 2021. My research project centred on the compositional variability of Vesuvius' erupted products from its most recent activity, focusing on the crystal cargo of its eruptions.

Name of supervisors

Dr. Mike Stock, Prof. Victoria Smith (University of Oxford), Dr. Roberto Isaia (INGV)

Project Start Date

September 2021


Provost PhD Awards

Contact Details

Email: amstutzf@tcd.ie

T: @fayamstutz