Eshbal Geifman

Geology Department Postgraduate Web Pages

Eshbal Geifman, Geology TCD

Title of Project

Conduit controls on magma evolution in dykes and sills: implications for PGE mineralisation

Postgraduate research summary

I started my PhD at Trinity in 2022. My work centres on understanding the effects of assimilation of country rock into magmatic conduits, and how that contributes to the formation of critical raw materials such as PGE minerals. The extensive magmatism of the British and Irish Paleogene Igneous Province created numerous intrusions in the north of Ireland and Northern Ireland on which my work is focussed.

Before Trinity, I completed a BSc in Geoscience and Masters by Research at Durham University, UK. During my Masters I used experimental petrology techniques to study the growth and development of plagioclase crystals from basalGc melt and explored the implications of this on our understanding of the behaviour of basaltic lava flows.

Name of supervisors

Dr. Mike Stock

Project Start Date

September 2022


SFI Frontiers for the Future

Contact Details


T: @lemon_lava