Eimear Wytsche Prendergast

Eimear Wytsche Prendergast, Geology TCD

Title of Project

Water Isoscapes (δ18O and δ2H) of Ireland

Project details

I started my PhD in Trinity in April 2022 after graduating with a Ba in Earth Sciences from Trinity in 2021. My undergraduate project involved an analysis of the elemental (especially heavy metal) compositions of peat samples from around Ireland. I am interested in environmental change, in particular the communication of climate change and environmental issues to the public.


GRADS & SMARTS (GRoundwater Age DistributionS for the sustainable MAnagement of gRoundwaTer reSources in Ireland).

I am currently working on the GRADS & SMARTS project. This project is funded by the EPA and the GSI and aims to estimate groundwater age distributions and mean groundwater residence times in selected aquifers in Ireland. This will allow for better knowledge of groundwater travel times with implications for flows of contaminants (e.g. nitrate) into groundwater discharge sites such as rivers and lakes, as well as supporting the sustainable management of groundwater in Ireland.

I am focusing on analysing the isotopic composition of Irish groundwaters and precipitation. Creating Isoscapes (Isotopic landscapes) which map the spatial variation of δ18O and δ2H in groundwater and precipitation across Ireland. This will lead to better understanding of groundwater recharge sources, processes and timescales.

Name of supervisors

Dr. Carlos Rocha, Dr. Laurence Gill, Dr. David O'Connell

Project Start Date

March 2022



Contact Details

Email: prendeei@tcd.ie