Didi Wu

Geology Department Postgraduate Web Pages

Didi Wu, Geology TCD

Title of Project

Applying medium - to high - temperature thermochronology to orogens.

Postgraduate research summary

I started my PhD at TCD since September 2021.
I graduated from Lanzhou University, majoring in geology; I graduated from the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences with a master’s degree, majoring in structural geology. During my master’s degree, I mainly studied the chronological and geochemical characterisGcs of Permian-Triassic Granites in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt and their indicaGve significance to the evoluGon of the orogenic belt.

In my Ph.D project, three orogenic belts spanning the Neoarchean to Mesozoic are invesGgated using medium-high temperature thermochronology approaches, primarily mineral apaGte. They comprise the Lewisian Gneiss Complex in Scotland (a Neoarchean crustal block, parts of which have experienced Paleoproterozoic orogenesis), the Rhinns Complex in SW Scotland and NW Ireland (Paleoproterozoic crystalline basement), and the Great Xing’an Range in Northeast China (Mesozoic accreGonary orogen). Thermal histories in each of these orogenic belts will be derived from apaGte thermochronology.

Name of supervisor

Prof. David Chew

Project Start Date

September 2021


TCD-CSC grant

Contact Details

Email: wud1@tcd.ie

Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Didi-Wu-5/research