Daniela Vitareli

Geology Department Postgraduate Web Pages

Daniela Vitareli, Geology TCD

Title of Project

Investigating the plumbing system and emplacement of the Limerick diatremes

Postgraduate research summary

I am a PhD researcher interested in volcanology and geochemistry and, more specifically, maar-diatreme volcanoes. My current research at TCD focuses on diatremes located in the Limerick Basin and their potential relationship to Zn-Pb
mineralisation in the area.

I graduated from Fort Lewis College (Colorado, USA) in 2017 with a BSc in Geology and a GIS Certificate. My final semester focused on two senior research projects: 1) investigating fault slip-rates and fault geometries along the Sangre de Cristo fault using combined field-based and remote-sensing methods, and 2) assessing shoreline degradation along a barrier island. In December 2021, I completed my MSc in Geology with a focus in Physical Volcanology at New Mexico State University (New Mexico, USA) where my research focused on eruptive volumes, energies, and explosion depths of a nearby maar volcano.


PhD Research: Investigating the volcanic plumbing system and emplacement of the Limerick diatremes through a combined volcanological and geochemical approach.
Ongoing MSc Research: Eruptive volume and explosion energy estimates from Kilbourne Hole Maar, South-central New Mexico.

Name of supervisor

Dr. Emma Tomlinson

Project Start Date

March 2022


Trinity Award

Contact Details

Email: VITARELD@tcd.ie