Anna Morrison

Geology Department Postgraduate Web Pages

Anna Morrison, Geology TCD

Title of Project

Determining the PGE fertility of the Irish lithospheric mantle

Postgraduate research summary

I am starting a masters in research to determine the Platinum Group Element (PGE) fertility of the Irish lithospheric mantle.

I studied Geoscience in Trinity as my undergraduate and after completing an internship with a mineral exploration company, I developed a keen interest for mineral prospecting and critical raw materials. PGE are energy critical elements which have a vital role in green technology.

The aim of my research is to constrain the PGE enrichment/fertility of the Irish mantle and Paleogene rocks in order to produce a data set of PGE abundances in Irish mafic intrusions which can be used for future exploration endeavours and potentially identify new deposits and secure EU resources.

Name of supervisors

Dr. Mike Stock

Postgraduate personal details

I graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Analytical Chemistry from Technological University of Dublin in 2022. My undergraduate research project involved the synthesis and characterisation of metal-based fluorescent probes.  During my undergraduate degree I focused on modules specialising in environmental and water chemistry. I gained a key interest in the environment and how chemistry can be applied and used in the understanding of environmental issues.

Project Start Date

September 2022


Masters by Research Scholarship

Contact Details
