Amanda Perera

Geology Department Postgraduate Web Pages

Amanda Perera, Geology TCD

Title of Project

Mesozoic carbon cycling and climate change

Postgraduate research summary

I completed my undergraduate degree in Rajarata University of Sri Lanka Major in Chemistry and Physics in 2016.
During my undergraduate period I was conducted two major research projects and related to the environmental geochemistry and chronic kidney issue in Sri Lanka.
In 2022 I completed my master's degree at the Department of Earth Science, Shimane University funded by the Japanese government national scholarship MEXT. I conducted my MSc research under the topic of the "Geochemical and paleoenvironmental changes of coastal lagoons environmental of Sri Lanka and Japan".

My goal is to expand the knowledge about carbon cycle perturbation-associated changes in palaeolatitudinal humidity gradient through integrated stratigraphy. Also, I would like to work on encouraging women in STEM fields, especially geosciences, at all stages of their careers. I am planning to work long-term as an all-around climate scientist and contribute to society in the public, industrial, and academic domains in the future.

Name of supervisors

Associate Professor Dr Micha Ruhl

Project Start Date

January 2023


SFI - iCRAG Environmental Geosciences Postgraduate Programme


Young, S.M., Perera, I.A. & Ishiga, H. Geochemical variaGon between surface and subsurface soils and relaGonship to chronic kidney disease in North Central Province, Sri Lanka. Environ Geochem Health 43, 4637–4663 (2021).

Contact Details


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