Dr. John R Graham
Fellow Emeritus, Geology
Email jrgraham@tcd.ie Phone3531896 2002http://people.tcd.ie/jrgrahamPublications and Further Research Outputs
- Graham, J.R., The Mullaghmore Sandstone Formation of north-west Ireland: a regional Mississippian lowstand deposit., Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 35, (:), 2017, p19 - 38Journal Article, 2017, URL
- Graham, J.R. & Sevastopulko, G.D., The stratigraphy of latest Devonian and earliest Carboniferous rocks in Ireland, Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 2020Journal Article, 2020, URL
- Graham, J.R., The structure and stratigraphical relations of the Lough Nafooey Group, South Mayo, Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 37, 2019, p1 - 18Journal Article, 2019, URL
- Graham, J.R., Riggs, N.R. & McConnell, B., A reliable age for the Louisburgh Clare Island succession and its significance in the stabilisation of the Laurentian margin in Ireland., Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 38, 2020, p5 - 14Journal Article, 2020, URL
- The Shannon Basin; structural setting and evolution in, editor(s)Best, J.L. and Wignall, P.B. , A field guide to the Carboniferous sediments of the Shannon Basin, western Ireland, Chichester, Wiley Blackwell, 2016, pp16 - 34, [Graham, J.R.]Book Chapter, 2016
- Lacchia, A., Sevastopulo, G.D. & Graham, J.R., Mid-Carboniferous ammonoids from the Shannon Basin: identification of crushed material., Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, 135, (1), 2016, p75 - 85Journal Article, 2016, URL
- The Geology of Western Ireland: A Record of the `Birth' and `Death' of the Iapetus Ocean in, editor(s)Ryan, P.D. , A Field Guide to the Geology of Western Ireland, Springer Geology, 2022, pp405-421 , [Ryan, P.D., Chew, D.M., Cliff, R.A., Costanzo, A., Daly, J.S., Dewey, J.F., Feely, M., Fitzgerald, R., Flowerdew, M.J., Graham, J.R., Leake, B.E., Long, B., McAteer, C.A., McCaffrey, K., McCarthy, W., Menuge, J.F., Sanders, I.S., Scanlon, R., Yardley, B.W.D.]Book Chapter, 2022, DOI
- Anders B., Tyrrell S., Chew D., O'sullivan G., Mark C., Graham J., Badenszki E., Murray J., Wildfires and Monsoons: Cryptic Drivers for Highly Variable Provenance Signals within a Carboniferous Fluvial System, Geosciences (Switzerland), 12, (1), 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Anders, B., Tyrrell, S., Chew, D., Mark, C., O'Sullivan, G., Murray, J., Graham, J., Badenszki, E., Spatial variation in provenance signal: identifying complex sand sourcing within a Carboniferous basin using multiproxy provenance analysis, Journal of the Geological Society, 179, (1), 2021, pjgs2021-045Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- John R Graham, Geology of South Mayo, 1, Dublin, Geological Survey of Ireland, 2021, 1 - 158ppBook, 2021
- John R Graham and Nancy R Riggs, A Lower Devonian age for the Corvock Granite and its significance for the structural history of South Mayo and the Laurentian margin of western Ireland, Canadian Journal of earth sciences, 59, (1), 2022, p1 - 11Journal Article, 2022, URL
- John R Graham and Michael E Badley, The geology of the Kilbride Peninsula and adjacent areas , County Mayo , and its significance for regional geological models. I, Irish journal of earth sciences, 39, 2021, p47 - 70Journal Article, 2021
- The Ordovician fore-arc and arc complex in, editor(s)Paul D. Ryan , A field guide to the geology of western Ireland, Switzerland, Springer, 2022, pp179 - 227, [Ryan, P.D., Dewey, J.F. and Graham, J.R.]Book Chapter, 2022
- The Silurian of north Galway and South Mayo in, editor(s)Paul D Ryan , A field guide to the geology of western Ireland, Switzerland, Springer, 2022, pp245 - 302, [John R Graham, John F Dewey and Paul D Ryan]Book Chapter, 2022
- Devonian and Carboniferous in, editor(s)Paul D Ryan , A field guide to the geology of western Ireland, Switzerland, Springer, 2022, pp363 - 404, [John R Graham]Book Chapter, 2022
- The central Ox Mountains in, editor(s)Paul D Ryan , A field guide to the geology of western Ireland, Switzerland, Springer, 2022, pp107 - 130, [John R Graham]Book Chapter, 2022
- Michael E. Badley, John R Graham and Bernard E Leake, . Structural control of the deposition and subsequent deformation of the Killary Habour-Joyce Country Silurian succession., Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 41, 2023, p1 - 26Journal Article, 2023
- Sedimentary provenance of Silurian basins in western Ireland during Iapetus closure in, editor(s)Kuiper, Y. D., Murphy, J. B., Nance, R. D., Strachan, R. A. and Thompson, M. D. , New Developments in the Appalachian-Caledonian-Variscan Orogen:, 2022, pp17 , [Nancy R Riggs, Brian J. McConnell and John R Graham]Book Chapter, 2022
- Badley, M.E., Graham, J.R. and Leake, B.E., Linkage between tectonic events in Connemara and the evolution of the South Mayo Trough, Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 42, 2024, p61 - 96Journal Article, 2024
- Graham, J.R., Analysis of an Upper Palaeozoic transgressive sequence in southwest County Cork, Eire, Sedimentary Geology, 13, 1975, p267 - 290Journal Article, 1975
- Graham, J.R., Deposits of a near-coastal fluvial plain - the Toe Head Formation (Upper Devonian) of southwest County Cork, Eire, Sedimentary Geology, 14, 1975, p45 - 61Journal Article, 1975
- Graham, J.R., The 'Old Red Sandstone' of County Mayo, northwest Ireland, Geological Journal, 16, 1981, p157 - 173Journal Article, 1981
- Graham, J.R., Fluvial sedimentation in the Lower Carboniferous of Clew Bay, County Mayo, Ireland, Sedimentary Geology, 30, 1981, p195 - 211Journal Article, 1981
- Graham, J.R., Transition from Basin plain to shelf in the Carboniferous flysch , Sedimentary Geology, 33, 1982, p173 - 194Journal Article, 1982
- Analysis of the Upper Devonian Munster Basin, an example of a fluvial distributary system in, editor(s)Collinson, J.D. & Lewin, J. , Modern and ancient fluvial systems. Special Publication International Association Sedimentologists, 1983, pp473 - 483, [Graham, J.R.]Book Chapter, 1983
- Graham, J.R., The Devonian of the Ox Mountains, Geological Survey of Ireland Guide Series, 4, 1984, p55 - 58Journal Article, 1984
- Graham, J.R., The nature and field relations of the Ordovician Maumtrasna Formation, County Mayo, Ireland, Geological Journal, 22, 1987, p1 - 23Journal Article, 1987
- Field based techniques in, editor(s)Tucker, M.E. , Techniques in Sedimentology, Blackwells, 1988, pp5 - 62, [Graham, J.R.]Book Chapter, 1988
- Pre-Pleistocene geology of Clare Island in, editor(s)Coxon, P. & O'Connell, M. , Clare Island and Inishbofin, Irish Association for Quaternary Studies (IQUA), 1994, pp8 - 10, [Graham, J.R.]Book Chapter, 1994
- Graham, J.R., Dinantian river systems and coastal zone sedimentation in North-west Ireland, Geological Society London Special Publication, 107, 1996, p183 - 206Journal Article, 1996
- Ordovician in, editor(s)Holland, C.H. , The geology of Ireland, Dunedin Academic Press, 2001, pp80 - 116, [Graham, J.R.]Book Chapter, 2001
- Devonian in, editor(s)Holland, C.H. , The geology of Ireland, Dunedin Academic Press, 2001, pp201 - 239, [Graham, J.R.]Book Chapter, 2001
- Variscan Structures in, editor(s)Holland, C.H. , The geology of Ireland, Dunedin Academic Press, 2001, pp313 - 330, [Graham, J.R.]Book Chapter, 2001
- The Silurian rocks of southern Clare Island in, editor(s)Graham, J.R. , New Survey of Clare Island: Volume II: Geology, Royal Irish Academy, 2001, pp35 - 48, [Graham, J.R. ]Book Chapter, 2001
- The Carboniferous rocks of Clare Island in, editor(s)Royal Irish Academy , New Survey of Clare Island: Volume II: Geology, Royal Irish Academy, 2001, pp75 - 86, [Graham, J.R.]Book Chapter, 2001
- The geology of Clare Island, perspective and problems in, editor(s)Graham, J.R. , New Survey of Clare Island: Volume II: Geology, Royal Irish Academy, 2001, pp1 - 18, [Graham, J.R.]Book Chapter, 2001
- The regional bedrock geology in, editor(s)Coxon, P. , The Quaternary of central-western Ireland: Field Guide, London, Quaternary Research Association, 2005, pp2 - 6, [Graham, J.R.]Book Chapter, 2005
- Graham, J.R. & Reilly, T.A., The Sherkin Formation (Devonian) of southwest County Cork, Bulletin Geological Survey Ireland, 1, 1972, p281 - 300Journal Article, 1972
- Reilly, T.A. & Graham, J.R., The historical and geological setting of the Glandore Mines, southwest County Cork, Bulletin Geological Survey Ireland, 1, 1972, p253 - 265Journal Article, 1972
- Clayton, G. & Graham, J.R., Miospore assemblages from the Devonian Sherkin Formation of southwest County Cork, Republic of Ireland, Pollen et Spores, 16, 1974, p565 - 588Journal Article, 1974
- Reilly, T.A. & Graham, J.R., The stratigraphy of the Roaringwater Bay area of southwest County Cork, Bulletin Geological Survey Ireland, 2, 1976, p1 - 13Journal Article, 1976
- Graham, J.R. & Reilly, T.A., The stratigraphy of the area around Clonakilty Bay, south County Cork, Proceedings Royal Irish Academy, 76B, 1976, p379 - 391Journal Article, 1976
- Graham, J.R., Hancock, P.L. & Hobson, D.M., Anomalous bedding-cleavage relationships in Silurian rocks at Marloes Sands, Proceedings Geologists Association, S.W. Dyfed (Pembrokeshire), Wales, 88, 1977, pp179 - 181Conference Paper, 1977
- Clayton, G., Graham, J.R., Higgs, K., Holland, C.H. & Naylor, D., Devonian rocks in Ireland, a review, Journal Earth Sciences, Royal Dublin Society, 2, 1980, p161 - 183Journal Article, 1980
- Graham, J.R. & Smith, D.G., The age and significance of a small Lower Palaeozoic inlier in County Mayo, Journal Earth Sciences Royal Dublin Society, 3, 1981, p1 - 16Journal Article, 1981
- Graham, J.R. & Pollard, J.E., Occurrence of the trace fossil Beaconites antarcticus in the Lower Carboniferous fluviatile rocks of County Mayo, Ireland, Palaeoecology, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeogeography, 38, 1982, p257 - 268Journal Article, 1982
- Graham, J.R., Clayton, G. & Richardson, J.B., The age of the Old Red Sandstone around Clew Bay, north-west Ireland, Transactions Royal Society Edinburgh, Earth Sciences, 73, 1983, p245 - 249Journal Article, 1983
- Clayton, G., Graham, J.R., Higgs, K., Sevastopulo, G.D. & Welsh, A., Late Devonian and early Carboniferous palaeogeography of southern Ireland and southwest Britain, Annales de la Societe geologique de Belgique, 109, 1986, p103 - 111Journal Article, 1986
- Devonian rocks in Ireland and their relation to adjacent regions in, editor(s)McMillan, N.J., Embry, A.F. & Glass, D.G. , Devonian of the world vol. 1, Canadian Society Petroleum Geologists, 1988, pp325 - 340, [Graham, J.R. & Clayton, G.]Book Chapter, 1988
- Harper, D.A.T., Graham, J.R., Donovan, S.K. & Owen, A., An Ordovician fauna from the Lough Shee mudrocks, Partry Mountains, Co. Mayo, Ireland, Geological Journal, 23, 1988, p293 - 310Journal Article, 1988
- Graham, J.R., Leake, B.E. & Ryan, P.D., The geology of South Mayo, Scottish Academic Press, 1989, 75ppBook, 1989
- Wrafter, J.P. & Graham, J.R., Ophiolitic detritus in the Ordovician sediments of South Mayo, western Ireland, Journal Geological Society London, 146, 1989, p213 - 215Journal Article, 1989
- A local source for the Ordovician Derryveeny Formation, Ireland: implications for the Connemara Dalradian in, editor(s)Morton, A.C., Todd, S.P. & Haughton, P.D.W. , Developments in Provenance Studies, Geological Society London Special Publication 57, 1991, pp199 - 213, [Graham, J.R., Wrafter, J.P., Daly, J.S. & Menuge, J.F.]Book Chapter, 1991
- Cotter, E. & Graham, J.R., Coastal plain sedimentation in the late Devonian of southern Ireland; hummocky cross stratification in fluvial deposits?, Sedimentary Geology, 72, 1991, p201 - 224Journal Article, 1991
- Murphy, F.C., Anderson, T.B., Daly, J.S., Gallagher, V., Graham, J.R., Harper, D.A.T., Johnston, J.D., Kennan, P.S., Kennedy, M.J., Long, C.B., Morris, J.H., O'Keeffe, W.G., Parkes, M., Ryan, P.D., Sloan, R.J., Stillman, C.J., Tietzsch-Tyler, D., Todd, S.P. & Wrafter, J.P., An appraisal of Caledonian suspect terranes in Ireland, Irish Journal Earth Sciences, 11, 1991, p11 - 41Journal Article, 1991
- Graham, J.R., James, A. & Russell, K.J., Basin history deduced from subtle changes in fluvial style: a study of distal alluvium from the Devonian of southwest Ireland, Transactions Royal Society Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 83, 1992, p655 - 667Journal Article, 1992
- Naylor, D., Haughey, N., Clayton, G. & Graham, J.R., The Kish Bank Basin, , Petroleum Geology of Northwest Europe: Proceedings of 4th Conference, edited by Parker, J.R. , The Geological Society, London, 1993, pp845 - 855Conference Paper, 1993
- Graham, J.R. & Clayton, G., Late Tournaisian conglomerates from County Donegal, NW Ireland; fault controlled sedimentation and overstep during basin extension, Irish Journal Earth Sciences, 13, 1994, p95 - 105Journal Article, 1994
- Graham, J.R., Russell, K.J. & Stillman, C.J., Late Devonian magmatism in west Kerry and its relationship to the development of the Munster Basin, Irish Journal Earth Sciences, 15, 1995, p7 - 24Journal Article, 1995
- James, A. & Graham, J.R., Stratigraphy and structure of Devonian fluvial sediments, western Beara Peninsula, south-west Ireland, Geological Journal, 30, 1995, p165 - 182Journal Article, 1995
- Maguire, C.K. & Graham, J.R., Sedimentation and palaeogeographical significance of the Silurian rocks of the Louisburgh - Clare Island succession, western Ireland, Transactions Royal Society Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 86, 1996, p123 - 136Journal Article, 1996
- Peltoclados clarus Gen. and Sp. Nov., an enigmatic fossil with a possible Charophyte relationship, from Clare Island, County Mayo, Ireland in, editor(s)Graham, J.R. , New Survey of Clare Island: Volume II: Geology, Royal Irish Academy, 2001, pp49 - 62, [Evans, D.H. & Graham, J.R.]Book Chapter, 2001
- Chapman, M., Graham, J.R., Goodhue, R. & Coxon, P., Prehistoric drainage diversion in the Monavullagh Mountains, Co. Waterford, Decies, 61, 2005, p1 - 12Journal Article, 2005
- John R Graham and George D Sevastopulo, Mississippian platform and basin successions from the Todrha Valley (northeastern Anti-Atlas), southern Morocco, Geological Journal, 43, 2008, p361 - 382Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Ordovician of the North in, editor(s)C.H. Holland and I.S. Sanders , The Geology of Ireland 2nd edn, Edinburgh, Dunedin, 2009, pp43 - 68, [John R Graham]Book Chapter, 2009
- Ordovician of the South in, editor(s)C.H. Holland and I.S. Sanders , The Geology of Ireland 2nd edn, Edinburgh, Dunedin, 2009, pp103 - 118, [John R Graham and Christopher J Stillman]Book Chapter, 2009
- Devonian in, editor(s)C.H. Holland and I.S. Sanders , The Geology of Ireland 2nd edn, Edinburgh, Dundedin, 2009, pp175 - 214, [John R Graham]Book Chapter, 2009
- Variscan deformation and metamorphism in, editor(s)C.H. Holland and I.S. Sanders , The Geology of Ireland 2nd edn, Edinburgh, Dunedin, 2009, pp295 - 310, [John R Graham]Book Chapter, 2009
- John R Graham, The Carboniferous geology of north Mayo, Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 28, 2010, p25 - 46Journal Article, 2010
- Pre-Pleistocene geology of Clare Island in, editor(s)Pete Coxon and Mark Hennessy , The Quaternary of Clare Island, Dublin, IQUA, 2019, pp4 - 9, [Graham, J.R.]Book Chapter
- Graham, J.R. & Ryan, A., Field trip guidebook, Dublin, International Association of Sedimentologists, 2000, 152ppBook
Research Expertise
Clastic sediments. Geology of Ireland particularly Carboniferous, Devonian and Ordovician. Provenance studies. Variscan fold belt.
- Fellow of Trinity College Dublin 1985
- International Association of Sedimentologists
- Society of Economic Palaeontologists and Mineralogists
- Irish Geological Association