Professor Geoffrey Clayton
Fellow Emeritus, Geology
Email gclayton@tcd.ie Phone3531896 2002http://www.tcd.ie/Geology/staff/gclayton/pal2geoff.phpPublications and Further Research Outputs
- ROONEY, A., GOODHUE, R., CLAYTON, G., Stable nitrogen isotope analysis of the Upper Devonian palynomorph, Tasmanites, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 429, 2015, p13 - 21Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- CLARK, N.D.L., GILLESPIE, R., MORRIS, S.F., CLAYTON, G., A new early Carboniferous crustacean from the Forest of Dean, England, Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 14, (9), 2016, p799-807 -Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Clayton, G. and Goodhue, R. and Abdelbagi, S.T. and Vecoli, M., Correlation of Palynomorph Darkness Index and vitrinite reflectance in a submature Carboniferous well section in northern Saudi Arabia, Revue de Micropaleontologie, 60, (3), 2017, p411-416Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Lopes, G. and McLean, D. and Mangerud, G. and Clayton, G., A new Mississippian biozonal scheme for the Finnmark Platform, Norway â" Palynostratigraphic integration of exploration wells 7128/4-1 and 7128/6-1, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 92, 2018, p94-108Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Spina, A. and Vecoli, M. and Riboulleau, A. and Clayton, G. and Cirilli, S. and Di Michele, A. and Marcogiuseppe, A. and Rettori, R. and Sassi, P. and Servais, T. and Riquier, L., Application of Palynomorph Darkness Index (PDI) to assess the thermal maturity of palynomorphs: A case study from North Africa, International Journal of Coal Geology, 188, 2018, p64-78Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Lopes, G. and Mangerud, G. and Clayton, G., The palynostratigraphy of the Mississippian Birger Johnsonfjellet section, Spitsbergen, Svalbard, Palynology, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- NAYLOR, D., PHILCOX, M.E. and CLAYTON, G. , Annaghmore-1 and Ballynamullen-1 wells, Larne-Lough Neagh basins, Northern Ireland., Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 21, 2003, p47 - 69Journal Article, 2003
- Palynology, Cocks, R. and Plimer, I. , Encyclopedia of Geology, Elsevier, 2005, pp464 - 469, [COXON, P. and CLAYTON, G. ]Item in dictionary or encyclopaedia, etc, 2005
- CLAYTON, G., WICANDER, R. and PEREIRA, Z. , Palynological evidence concerning the relative positions of Northern Gondwana and Southern Laurussia in latest Devonian and Mississippian times, Studies in Palaeozoic palaeontology and biostratigraphy in honour of Charles Hepworth Holland. Special Papers in Palaeontology, 67, 2002, p45 - 56Journal Article, 2002
- GONZALEZ, F., MORENO, C., SAEZ, R. and CLAYTON, G, Ore genesis age of the Tharsis Mining District (Iberian Pyrite Belt): a palynological approach, Journal of the Geological Society, London, 159, 2002, p229 - 232Journal Article, 2002
- CORCORAN, D.V. and CLAYTON, G. , . Interpretation of vitrinite reflectance profiles in sedimentary basins, onshore and offshore Ireland. , The petroleum exploration of Ireland's Offshore Basins. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 188, 2001, p61 - 90Journal Article, 2001
- McKERROW, W.S., MacNIOCAILL, C., AHLBERG, P.E., CLAYTON, G., CLEAL, C.J. and EAGAR, R.M.C. , The Late Palaeozoic relations between Gondwana and Laurussia, Orogenic Processes: Quantification and Modelling in the Variscan Belt. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 179, 2000, p9 - 20Journal Article, 2000
- CLAYTON, G. and BAILY, H. , Organic Maturation Levels of Pre-Westphalian Carboniferous Rocks in Ireland and in the Irish Offshore, Geologisches Jahrbuch, D 107, 2000, p25 - 41Journal Article, 2000
- NAYLOR, D. and CLAYTON, G, Palynological and maturation data and their bearing on Irish post-Variscan palaeogeography, Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 18, 2000, p33 - 39Journal Article, 2000
- GREEN, P.F., DUDDY, I.R., HEGARTY, K.A., BRAY, R.J., SEVASTOPULO, G.D., CLAYTON, G. and JOHNSTON, D. , The post-Carboniferous evolution of Ireland: evidence from thermal history reconstruction, Proceedings of the Geologists Association, 11, 2000, p307 - 320Journal Article, 2000
- OWENS, B., FILATOFF, J., CLAYTON, G. and AL-HAJRI, S. , Evidence of mid-Carboniferous miospore assemblages from central Saudi Arabia. , Stratigraphic Palynology of Saudi Arabia. GeoArabia Special Publication , 1, 2000, p154 - 167Journal Article, 2000
- CLAYTON, G., FILATOFF, J., AL-HAJRI, S. and OWENS, B, Latest Devonian and Early Carboniferous miospore assemblages from Saudi Arabia, Stratigraphic Palynology of Saudi Arabia. GeoArabia Special Publication , 1, 2000, p146 - 153Journal Article, 2000
- GOODHUE, R. and CLAYTON, G, Organic maturation levels, thermal history and hydrocarbon source rock potential of the Namurian rocks of the Clare Basin, Ireland, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 16, 1999, p667 - 675Journal Article, 1999
- CORCORAN, D. and CLAYTON, G. , Interpretation of vitrinite reflectance profiles in the Central Irish Sea area: implications for the timing of organic maturation, Journal of Petroleum Geology, 22 , (3), 1999, p261 - 286Journal Article, 1999
- Spore and pollen biostratigraphy in, editor(s): Jones, T.P. and Rowe, N.P. , Fossil plants and spores: modern techniques, London, Geological Society, London, 1999, pp225 - 229, [CLAYTON, G. and COXON, P. ]Book Chapter, 1999
- Light microscopy of fossil pollen and spores in, editor(s): Jones, T.P. and Rowe, N.P. , Fossil plants and spores: modern techniques, London, Geological Society, London, 1999, pp47 - 51, [COXON, P. and CLAYTON, G. ]Book Chapter, 1999
- EVANS, A. and CLAYTON, G. , The geological history of the Ballydeenlea Chalk Breccia, County Kerry, Ireland, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 15, 1998, p299 - 307Journal Article, 1998
- CLAYTON, G., MANGER, W.L. and OWENS, B. , Mississippian palynofloras from the Cuyahoga and Logan Formations of northeastern Ohio, U.S.A., Journal of Micropalaeontology, 17 , (2), 1998, p183 - 191Journal Article, 1998
- Light microscopy of fossil pollen and spores in, editor(s)Jones, T.P and Rowe, N.P. , Fossil Plants and Spores: modern techniques, Hefei, China, University of Science and Technology of China Press, 2005, pp51 - 54, [COXON, P. and CLAYTON, G.]Book Chapter, 2005
- Spore and pollen biostratigraphy in, editor(s)Jones, T.P. and Rowe, N.P. , Fossil Plants and Spores: modern techniques, Hefei, China, University of Science and Technology of China Press, 2005, pp248 - 253, [CLAYTON, G. and COXON, P.]Book Chapter, 2005
- HECKEL, P. H. and CLAYTON, G., The Carboniferous System. Use of the new official names for the subsystems, series and stages, Geologica Acta, 4, (3), 2006, p403 - 407Journal Article, 2006
- McCORMACK, N., CLAYTON, G. and FERNANDES, P., A historia termica das rochas do Paleozoico Superior da Zona Sul Portuguesa , VII Congresso Nacional de Geologia Resumos alagardos, VII Congresso Nacional de Geologia, Evora, 2006, edited by J.A.P. Mirao and A.C. Balbino , 2006, pp85 - 88Meeting Abstract, 2006
- HECKEL, P.H. and CLAYTON, G., Use of the new official names for the Subsystems, Series and Stages of the Carboniferous System in international journals, Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 117, (4), 2006, p393 - 396Journal Article, 2006
- FERNANDES, P. and CLAYTON, G., Organic maturation levels and thermal history of the Carboniferous rocks of the Dublin Basin, Proceedings of the XVth International Congress on Carboniferous and Permian Stratigraphy, Utrecht, 2003, edited by Wong, T. , 1, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2007, pp37 - 45Conference Paper, 2007
- McCORMACK, N., CLAYTON, G. and FERNANDES, P., The thermal history of the Upper Palaeozoic rocks of southern Portugal, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 24, (3), 2007, p145 - 150Journal Article, 2007
- HEAL, S. and CLAYTON, G., The palynology of the Hannibal Shale (Mississippian) of northeastern Missouri, U.S.A. and correlation with Western Europe, Palynology, 32, 2008, p27 - 37Journal Article, 2008
- DUGGAN, M.C. and CLAYTON, G., Colour change in the acritarch Veryhachium as an indicator of thermal maturity, GeoArabia, 13, 2008, p125 - 136Journal Article, 2008
- DONOGHUE, E., TROLL, V.R., SCWARZKOPF, L.M., CLAYTON, G., and GOODHUE, R., Organic block coatings in block-and-ash flow deposits at Merapi Volcano, central Java., Geological Magazine, 146, 2009, p113 - 120Journal Article, 2009
- GOODHUE, R. and CLAYTON, G., Palynomorph Darkness Index (PDI) - a new technique for assessing thermal maturity, Palynology, 34, (2), 2010, p147 - 156Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- WICANDER, R., CLAYTON, G., MARSHALL, J.E.A., TROTH, I, and RACEY, A., Was the latest Devonian glaciation a multiple event? New palynological evidence from Bolivia, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 305, (1-4), 2011, p75-83Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- FERNANDES, P., MUSGRAVE, J.A., CLAYTON, G., PEREIRA, Z., OLIVEIRA, J.-T., GOODHUE, R. and RODRIGUES, B., New evidence concerning the thermal history of Devonian and Carboniferous rocks in the South Portuguese Zone, Journal of the Geological Society, 169, 2012, p647 - 654Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- NAYLOR, D., AL-RAWI, M., CLAYTON, G., FITZPATRICK, M.J. and GREEN, P. F. , Hydrocarbon potential in Jordan, Journal of Petroleum Geology, 36, 2013, p205 - 236Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- FERNANDES, P., RODRIGUES, B., BORGES, M., MATOS, V. and CLAYTON, G. , Organic maturation of the Algarve Basin (southern Portugal) and its bearing on thermal history and hydrocarbon exploration, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 46, 2013, p210 - 233Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- ROONEY, A., CLAYTON, G. and GOODHUE, R., The dispersed spore Retusotriletes loboziakii sp. nov., affiliated with the enigmatic Late Devonian alga Protosalvinia Dawson 1884, Palynology, 37, (2), 2013, p196 - 201Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Lopes, G., Mangerud, G., Clayton, G., Mørk, A., New insights on East Finnmark Platform palynostratigraphy and paleogeography - A study of three shallow cores from a Mississippian succession in the Barents Sea, Norway, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 450, 2016, p60-76Journal Article, DOI
Research Expertise
My main research interests are: 1) PALYNOLOGY - the use of palynomorphs in Palaeozoic rocks to determine their age, depositional environment and palaeogeographic setting. 2) ORGANIC PETROLOGY - interpretation of thermal histories of rocks based on studies of microscopic plant debris and other organic particles. Current areas of interest include Ireland, Bolivia, Portugal, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the USA.
TitleNitrogen isotopes as indicators of climate changeSummary14N/15N ratios will be determined from late Devonian - early Carboniferous marine rocks and chemostratigraphic profiles will be constructed. The stratigraphic interval selected spans glaciation and deglaciation around the palaeo-south pole and is represented mostly by marine black shales in the USA. A novel aspect of the project will be the analysis of separated organic constituents such as Tasmanites and woody land plants tissues, rather than the crude 'whole-rock' approach used in previous investigations. Comparison of the stable isotope results with the known climatic changes will establish whether this is a viable technique for the study of such old rocks.Funding AgencySFIDate From1 September 2007Date To31 August 2010
TitlePalynological correlation of Mississippian (Carboniferous) stage boundaries in Western Europe and the USASummaryThe recent decision to revise the stratigraphic classification of the Carboniferous System by introducing the North American divisions, 'Mississippian' and 'Pennsylvanian' worldwide has focussed attention on the lack of adequate correlation of the constituent North American stages with those in Europe. The various Mississippian stage boundaries can be recognised in numerous outcrop sections, principally in Kentucky, Missouri and Illinois, that include grey shales suitable for palynological investigation. The project will build on highly successful pilot projects by establishing a comprehensive Mississippian miospore zonation for the first time in the USA and correlating this with the existing European zonal scheme.Funding AgencySFIDate From1 July 2005Date To30 June 2008
TitleStratigraphic Palynology of the Palaeozoic of Saudi ArabiaSummaryInvestigation of the sub-surface Palaeozoic stratigraphy of Saudi Arabia using palynology. Samples from many hydrocarbon exploration wells drilled throughout Saudi Arabia are being studied by specialists in several European universities in order to determine the detailed distributions of all of the palynomorph groups encountered. Comprehensive zonal schemes are being erected and palynostratigraphic correlations of the well sections are being established.Funding AgencySaudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco)Date From1990Date To2019
Environmental geoscience, Electrical engineering, Climate change science,
- Fellow, Trinity College Dublin 1981
- Senior Fellow, Trinity College Dublin 2012-2013
- Member of Royal Irish Academy 2000
- Visiting Professor of Palynology, University of Sheffield 2014-2019
- Berkeley Research Fellow, Trinity College Dublin 2002
- American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists
- Commisssion Internationale de Microflore du Paleozoique
- Councillor, International Federation of Palynological Societies 1996 - 1999
- Vice-Chair, Subcommission for Carboniferous Stratigraphy 2000 -2008
- President, Commission Internationale de Microflore du Paleozoique 1991 - 1999
- Secretary-General, Commission Internationale de Microflore du Paleozoique 1983 - 1987