Dr. Robbie Goodhue
Senior Experimental Officer, Geology
Email goodhuer@tcd.ie Phone3531896 3849http://people.tcd.ie/goodhuerPublications and Further Research Outputs
- O'Sullivan E.M, Goodhue R, Ames D.E, Kamber B.S, Chemostratigraphy of the Sudbury impact basin fill: Volatile metal loss and post-impact evolution of a submarine impact basin, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 183, 2016, p198 - 233Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Minet, E.P., Goodhue, R., Meier-Augenstein, W., Kalin, R.M., Fenton, O., Richards, K.G. & Coxon, C.E., Combining stable isotopes with contamination indicators: a method for improved investigation of nitrate sources and dynamics in aquifers with mixed nitrogen inputs, Water Research, 124, 2017, p85 - 96Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Regan, S. and Goodhue, R. and Naughton, O. and Hynds, P., Geospatial drivers of the groundwater ÎŽ18O isoscape in a temperate maritime climate (Republic of Ireland), Journal of Hydrology, 554, 2017, p173-186Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Clayton, G. and Goodhue, R. and Abdelbagi, S.T. and Vecoli, M., Correlation of Palynomorph Darkness Index and vitrinite reflectance in a submature Carboniferous well section in northern Saudi Arabia, Revue de Micropaleontologie, 60, (3), 2017, p411-416Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- DONOGHUE, E., TROLL, V.R., SCHWARZKOPF, L.M., CLAYTON, G. and GOODHUE, R., Organic block coatings in block-and-ash flow deposits at Merapi Volcano, central Java, Geological Magazine., 146, (1), 2009, p113 - 120Journal Article, 2009
- HERNANDEZ, Y., NICOLOSI, V., LOTYA, M., BLIGHE, F.M., SUN, Z., DE, S., McGOVERN, I.T., HOLLAND, B., BYRNE, M., GUN'KO, Y.K., BOLAND, J.J., NIRAJ, P., DUESBERG, G., KRISHNAMURTHY, S., GOODHUE, R., HUTCHINSON, J., SCARDACI, V., FERRARI, A.C. and COLEMAN, J.N., High-yield production of graphene by liquid-phase exfoliation of graphite, Nature Nanotechnology., 3, 2008, p563 - 568Journal Article, 2008
- TAYLOR, D., LANE, P.J., MUIRURI, V., RUTTLEDGE, A., GAJ MCKEEVER, R., NOLAN, T., KENNY, P. and GOODHUE, R., Mid- to late-Holocene vegetation dynamics on the Laikipia Plateau, Kenya., The Holocene, 15, (6), 2005, p837 - 846Journal Article, 2005
- GOODHUE, R, and CLAYTON, G., Organic maturation level, thermal history and hydrocarbon source rock potential of the Namurian rocks of the Clare Basin, Ireland, Marine and Petroleum Geology , 16, 1999, p675 - 677Journal Article, 1999
- CHAPMAN, M., GRAHAM, J.R., GOODHUE, R. and COXON, P., Prehistoric drainage diversion in the Monavullagh Mountains, Co. Waterford, Decies, 61, 2005, p1 - 12Journal Article, 2005
- O'Luanaigh N.D., Goodhue R., Gill L.W., Nutrient removal from on-site domestic wastewater in horizontal subsurface flow reed beds in Ireland, Ecological Engineering, 36, 2010, p1266 - 1276Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Hernandez, Y, Nicolosi, V, Lotya, M, Blighe, FM, Sun, ZY, De, S, McGovern, IT, Holland, B, Byrne, M, Gun'ko, YK, Boland, JJ, Niraj, P, Duesberg, G, Krishnamurthy, S, Goodhue, R, Hutchison, J, Scardaci, V, Ferrari, AC, Coleman, JN, High-yield production of graphene by liquid-phase exfoliation of graphite, Nature Nanotechnology, 3, 2008, p563 - 568Journal Article, 2008, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Chew, D, Kirkland, C, Schaltegger, U, Goodhue, R, Neoproterozoic glaciation in the Proto-Andes: Tectonic implications and global correlation, Geology, 35, (12), 2007, p1095-1098Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- GOODHUE, R. and CLAYTON, G., Palynomorph Darkness Index (PDI) - a new technique for assessing thermal maturity, Palynology, 34, (2), 2010, p147 - 156Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- SMITH, A, GOODHUE, R and BIOLETTI, S., Monitoring Deposited Dust in The Old Library, Trinity College Dublin, International Preservation News, 53, 2011, p19 - 23Journal Article, 2011, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Minet, E., Goodhue, R., Coxon, C.E., Kalin, R.M. & Meier-Augenstein, W., Simplifying and improving the extraction of nitrate from freshwater for stable isotope analyses, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 13, 2011, p2062 - 2066Journal Article, 2011, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- E. Minet, C.E. Coxon, R. Goodhue, K.G. Richards, R.M. Kalin, W. Meier-Augenstein, Evaluating the utility of 15N and 18O isotope abundance analyses to identify nitrate sources: A soil zone study, Water Research, 46, 2012, p3723 - 3736Journal Article, 2012, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- FERNANDES, P., MUSGRAVE, J.A., CLAYTON, G., PEREIRA, Z., OLIVEIRA, J.-T., GOODHUE, R. and RODRIGUES, B., New evidence concerning the thermal history of Devonian and Carboniferous rocks in the South Portuguese Zone, Journal of the Geological Society, 169, 2012, p647 - 654Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Rooney, A., Clayton, G. and Goodhue, R., The dispersed spore Retusotriletes loboziakii sp. nov., affiliated with the enigmatic Late Devonian alga Protosalvinia Dawson 1884., Palynology, In Press, 2013Journal Article, 2013
- Craven, K., Edwards, R.J., Goodue, R., Rocha, C., Evaluating the influence of selected acid-pretreatment methods on the environmental interpretation of C/N and δ13C of temperate inter-tidal sediments for relative sea-level reconstruction, Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 31, 2013, p25 - 42Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
Research Expertise
My research is in several areas which I integrate: I am interested in the behaviour of organic matter and clay minerals in sedimentary rocks during thermal maturation. I research the organic components using vitrinite reflectance, colour change in microfossils and stable isotopes of nitrogen (ä15N) and also carbon (ä13C). In collaboration with a colleague, I have developed a optical new method of quantifying themal maturation, termed the Palynomorph Darkness Index. I use crystallinity (illite and chlorite) measured by Powder X-Ray Diffraction (PXRD) to study the thermal maturation of clay minerals. My work with our Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (IRMS) has provided involvement in many interesting projects including waste-water treatment, graphene production, dietary habits of badgers and carbonate chemostratigraphy of pre-Cambrian limestones. In summer 2013 with a PhD student we built an interface for the IRMS that can measure nanograms of nitrogen - we believe this is the 2nd of its kind in the world and the most sensitive. We now intend to explore trophic structures of extinct fossil communities. Since 2005 I have been involved in a research project which looks at the environment in the Old Library Building, Trinity College. Along with a collegue in Conservation and a PhD student, we are assessing the accumulation rate, distribution, type and size of dust in addition to gaseous compounds (VOC's, NO2, SO2) and their impact on the collection. This is an important cross-discipline project that will have significant input on policy. I am involved in research for the construction industry into failure of building materials (aggregate, concrete, slates) and in aspects of building conservation and repair, including efflorescence in brick, and identification of mortar types from conservation projects. I have worked on various R&D and QC projects with pharmaceutical companies. The research uses PXRD to acquire phase data which is then processed in various means to quantify polymorphs. This is particularly challenging where the active component in a drug has been mixed with excipients and tableted. Since 2012 I have been heavily involved in the establishment of the new TCD Geochemistry facilities in the TCD Enterprise Centre. This growing facility has a laser ablation front-end for a high sensitivity Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer; the IRMS with nano-EA; a fully quantitative PXRD system (Due Sept 2013); HF clean lab; preparation lab. We anticipate the addition of a ICP-OES, a new ED-XRF, a hand-held ED-XRF and a Total Sulphur EA over the coming months.
- Management Committee Member of the European Science Foundation funded Committee of Senior Officials for Scientific and Technical Research (COST), Action D42: Chemical Interactions between Cultural Artefacts and Indoor Environment (EnviArt). 2011
- Professional member of the Institute for Geologists of Ireland.
- Commission Internationale de Microflore du Paléozoïque