Dr. Catherine Coxon

Dr. Catherine Coxon

Associate Prof Environmental Sciences, Geology

Associate Prof Environmental Sciences, Trinity Centre for the Environment

3531896 2235http://people.tcd.ie/cecoxon

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Kimberley, S. & Coxon, C., Developing status tests for selected Irish groundwater-dependent terrestrial ecosystem (GWDTE) types as part of groundwater body status assessment under the EU Water Framework Directive, Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 115B, (2), 2015, p1 - 14Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • McAleer, E., Mellander, P-E, Coxon, C., Richards, K.G. & Jahangir, M., Groundwater denitrification in two agricultural river catchments: influence of hydrogeological setting and aquifer geochemistry, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 12-17 April 2015, 17, (EGU2015-12889), 2015Meeting Abstract, 2015
  • Site 2.3. Pollnahallia: A Tertiary palaeosurface and a glimpse of Ireland's pre-Pleistocene landscape in, editor(s)Coxon,P. , The Quaternary of Central Western Ireland: Field Guide, London, Quaternary Research Association, 2005, pp79 - 100, [Coxon, P., McMorrow, S., Coxon, C.E. and Nolan,T. ]Book Chapter, 2005
  • Site 2.4. Turloughs in south-east Mayo: Quaternary deposits and palaeohydrological implications in, editor(s)Coxon,P. , The Quaternary of Central Western Ireland: Field Guide, London, Quaternary Research Association, 2005, pp101 - 111, [Coxon, C.E. and Coxon,P. ]Book Chapter, 2005
  • Coxon, C. & Wynne, C., Foreword to Special Issue, Advances in water research: evidence-based contributions to management and policy in Ireland under the Water Framework Directive, Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 116B, (3), 2016, p133 - 134Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
  • Wilson, J., Coxon, C. & Rocha, C., A GIS and remote sensing based screening tool for assessing the potential for groundwater discharge to lakes in Ireland, Biology and Environment: Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 116B, (3), 2016, p265 - 277Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
  • Wilson, J., Rocha, C. & Coxon, C., Combining earth observation and geochemical tracing techniques for groundwater detection and evaluation in Ireland, EPA Research Report, 172, Wexford, Environmental Protection Agency, 2016, 56 pp.Report, 2016, URL
  • Foster, S., Tyson, G., Colvin, C., Wireman, M., Manzano, M,, Kreamer, D., Goldscheider, N. & Coxon, C., Ecosystem conservation and groundwater, International Association of Hydrogeologists Strategic Overview Series, 2016, p6 pp.Review Article, 2016, DOI , URL
  • McAleer, E.B., Coxon, C.E., Richards, K.G., Jahangir, M.M.R., Grant, J. & Mellander, P.E. , Groundwater nitrate reduction versus dissolved gas production: A tale of two catchments, Science of the Total Environment, 586, 2017, p372 - 389Journal Article, 2017, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Kilroy, G. & Coxon, C., Temporal variability of phosphorus fractions in Irish karst springs, Environmental Geology, 47, (3), 2005, p421 - 430Journal Article, 2005
  • Kurz, I., Tunney, H. & Coxon, C., The impact of agricultural management practices on nutrient losses to water: data on the effects of soil drainage characteristics, Water Science and Technology, 51, (3-4), 2005, p73 - 81Journal Article, 2005, TARA - Full Text
  • Donohue, I., Styles, D., Coxon, C. & Irvine, K., Importance of spatial and temporal patterns for assessment of risk of diffuse nutrient emissions to surface waters, Journal of Hydrology, 304, (1-4), 2005, p183 - 192Journal Article, 2005, DOI
  • Kurz, I., Coxon, C., Tunney, H. & Ryan, D., Effects of grassland management practices and environmental conditions on nutrient concentrations in overland flow, Journal of Hydrology, 304, (1-4), 2005, p35 - 50Journal Article, 2005
  • Kilroy, G. & Coxon, C., Phosphorus and the Water Framework Directive in the Shannon Pilot River Basin, Critical examination of options for reducing phosphorus loss from agriculture (Proceedings of the 4th International Phosphorus Workshop), Wageningen, Netherlands, August 2004, edited by Chardon, W.J. & Koopmans, G.F. , Alterra, Wageningen UR, 2004, pp60Conference Paper, 2004
  • Styles, D., Donohue, I. & Coxon, C., Relating agronomic soil test P and soil type data to soluble P loss risk in Ireland: implications of drying soil samples, Critical examination of options for reducing phosphorus loss from agriculture (Proceedings of 4th International Phosphorus Workshop), Wageningen, Netherlands, August 2004, edited by Chardon, W.J. & Koopmans, G.F. , Alterra, Wageningen UR, 2004, pp41Conference Paper, 2004
  • Hooker, K., Richards, K., Coxon, C. & Hackett, R., A field study of nitrate leaching from tillage crops in Ireland, Controlling Nitrogen Flows and Losses, edited by Hatch, D.J., Chadwick, D.R., Jarvis, S.C. & Roker, J.A. , Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2004, pp439 - 440Conference Paper, 2004
  • Richards, K., Ryan, M. & Coxon, C., Dirty water - a valuable source of nitrogen on dairy farms, Controlling Nitrogen Flows and Losses, edited by Hatch, D.J., Chadwick, D.R., Jarvis, S.C. & Roker, J.A. , Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2004, pp539 - 540Conference Paper, 2004
  • McManus, S-L., Coxon, C.E., Mellander, P-E., Danaher, M. & Richards, K.G., Hydrogeological characteristics influencing the occurrence of pesticides and pesticide metabolites in groundwater across the Republic of Ireland, Science of the Total Environment, 601-602, 2017, p594 - 602Journal Article, 2017
  • Minet, E.P., Goodhue, R., Meier-Augenstein, W., Kalin, R.M., Fenton, O., Richards, K.G. & Coxon, C.E., Combining stable isotopes with contamination indicators: a method for improved investigation of nitrate sources and dynamics in aquifers with mixed nitrogen inputs, Water Research, 124, 2017, p85 - 96Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • Richards, K., Premrov, A., Coxon, C., Hooker, K. & Hackett, R., Will a changing climate lead to increased nitrate induced eutrophication?, The nitrogen challenge: building a blueprint for nitrogen use efficiency and food security (18th International Nitrogen Workshop), Lisbon, Portugal, 30 June-3 July 2014, edited by Cordovil, C. , 2014, pp562 - 563Conference Paper, 2014
  • Jahangir, M., Minet, E., Johnston, P., Coxon, C., Hackett, R. & Richards, K., The effect of a mustard cover crop on groundwater denitrification, Innovations for sustainable use of nitrogen resources (Proceedings of 17th International Nitrogen Workshop), Wexford, Ireland, 26-29 June 2012, edited by Richards, K., Fenton, O. & Watson, C. , 2012, pp236 - 237Conference Paper, 2012
  • Tedd, K., Coxon, C., Misstear, B., Daly, D., Craig, M. & Mannix, A., Evaluation and interpretation of groundwater phosphorus and nitrate monitoring data and the implications for groundwater management in Ireland, Groundwater Quality Sustainability, IAH 38th Congress Extended Abstracts, edited by Zuber, A., Kania, J. & Kmiecik, E. , University of Silesia Press, Poland, 2010, pp469 - 470Conference Paper, 2010
  • Tedd, K., Hunter Williams, N., Coxon, C., Kelly, C., Carey, S., Doherty, D., Duncan, N. & Raymond, S., Further development and appraisal of the Geological Survey of Ireland's potentially denitrifying bedrock map, Efficient use of different sources of nitrogen in agriculture - from theory to practice (19th Nitrogen Workshop), Skara, Sweden, 27-29 June 2016, 2016, pp209 - 210Published Abstract, 2016
  • Tedd, K., Coxon, C., Daly, D., Mannix, A. & Misstear, B., Spatial analysis of national scale groundwater nitrate monitoring data in Ireland, Confronting Global Change, International Association of Hydrogeologists 39th Annual Congress, Niagara Falls, Canada, 16-21 September 2012, edited by Howard, K. & Gerber, R. , 2012, pp152Published Abstract, 2012
  • McManus, S-L., Richards, K., Grant, J., Mannix, A. & Coxon, C., Are physical site characteristics allowing pesticide products to leach to groundwater in Ireland?, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria, 13, (EGU2011-8259-5), 2011Published Abstract, 2011
  • McManus, S-L., Coxon, C. & Richards, K., Case studies of pesticide loss to groundwater in Ireland, Pesticide behaviour in soils, water and air, York, England, 14-16 September 2009, Food and Environment Research Agency, 2009, ppA33Published Abstract, 2009
  • McManus, S-L., Richards, K. & Coxon, C., Investigating pesticide occurrence in groundwater in Ireland, Ireland's Rural Environment: Research Highlights from Johnstown Castle, Wexford, Ireland, August 2009, edited by Lalor, S. & Ó hUallacháin, D. , Teagasc, 2009, pp51Published Abstract, 2009
  • Coxon, C., Vulnerability to pollution of an Irish lowland karst aquifer and the implications for management of groundwater resources, Cave and Karst Science, 21, (1), 1994, pp7Published Abstract, 1994
  • Kimberley, S., Coxon, C., Craig, M. & Schutten, J., Determination of nutrient threshold values relevant to groundwater-dependent terrestrial ecosystems (GWDTEs) in Ireland, Confronting Global Change, International Association of Hydrogeologists 39th Annual Congress, Niagara Falls, Canada, 16-21 September 2012, edited by Howard, K. & Gerber, R. , 2012, pp249Published Abstract, 2012
  • Turloughs (Ireland) in, editor(s)Finlayson, C.M., Milton G., Prentice R. & Davidson N. , The Wetland Book, Dordrecht, Springer, 2018, pp1067 - 1077, [Irvine, K., Coxon, C., Gill, L., Kimberley, S. & Waldren, S. ]Book Chapter, 2018, DOI
  • Mooney D., Coxon C., Richards K., Gill L., Mellander P-E., Danaher M., Development and optimisation of a multi-residue method for the determination of 40 anthelmintic drugs in environmental water samples by solid phase extraction (SPE) with LC-MS/MS detection, Molecules, 24, (1978), 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Mooney, D., Coxon, C., Richards, K.G., Gill, L.W., Mellander, P.-E. & Danaher, M., A new sensitive method for the simultaneous chromatographic separation and tandem mass spectrometry detection of anticoccidials, including highly polar compounds, in environmental waters, Journal of Chromatography A, 1618, 2020, p460857-Journal Article, 2020, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Mooney, D., Richards, K.G., Danaher, M., Grant, J., Gill, L., Mellander, P.-E. & Coxon, C.E., An investigation of anticoccidial veterinary drugs as emerging organic contaminants in groundwater, Science of the Total Environment, 746, 2020, p141116Journal Article, 2020, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Mooney, D., Richards, K.G., Danaher, M., Grant, J., Gill, L., Mellander, P.-E. & Coxon, C.E., An analysis of the spatio-temporal occurrence of anthelmintic veterinary drug residues in groundwater, Science of the Total Environment, 769, 2021, p144804Journal Article, 2021, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Bhatnagar S., Gill L.W., Waldren S., Sharkey N., Naughton O., Johnston P., Coxon C., Morrissey P., Ghosh B., Ecohydrological metrics for vegetation communities in turloughs (ephemeral karstic wetlands), Ecohydrology, 14, 2021, pe2316Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Gill L., Bhatnagar S., Bijkerk E., Regan S., Somlai C., Naughton O., Ghosh B., Waldren S., Coxon C., Johnston P., EcoMetrics - Environmental Supporting Conditions for Groundwater-dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems, Wexford, Ireland, Environmental Protection Agency, 2022, 1 - 54ppBook, 2022, URL
  • McAleer, E., Coxon, C., Mellander, P.-E., Grant, J. & Richards, K., Patterns and drivers of groundwater and stream nitrate concentrations in intensively managed agricultural catchments, Water, 14, (9), 2022, p1388Journal Article, 2022, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Vucinic L., O'Connell D., Teixeira R., Coxon C., Gill L.W., Flow cytometry and fecal indicator bacteria analyses for fingerprinting microbial pollution in karst aquifer systems, Water Resources Research, 58, 2022, pe2021WR029840Journal Article, 2022, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Luka Vucinic, David O'Connell, Donata Dubber, Catherine Coxon, Laurence Gill, Multiple fluorescence approaches to identify rapid changes in microbial indicators at karst springs, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 254, (104129), 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Kilroy, G., Coxon, C., Ryan, J., O'Connor, A. & Daly, D., Groundwater and wetland management in the Shannon river basin (Ireland), Environmental Science & Policy, 8, 2005, p219 - 225Journal Article, 2005
  • Richards, K., Coxon, C. & Ryan, M., Unsaturated zone travel time to groundwater on a vulnerable site, Irish Geography, 38, (1), 2005, p57 - 71Journal Article, 2005, TARA - Full Text
  • Vucinic L., O'Connell D., Coxon C., Gill L.W., Back to the future: Comparing Yeast as an outmoded artificial Tracer for simulating microbial transport in Karst aquifer systems to more modern approachs, Environmental Pollution, (123942), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Styles, D., Donohue, I., Coxon, C.E. & Irvine, K., Linking soil phosphorus to water quality in the west of Ireland through the analysis of moist soil samples, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment , 112, 2006, p300 - 312Journal Article, 2006, DOI
  • Kilroy, G., Jennings, S., Fay, K. & Coxon, C., Implementation of groundwater aspects of the Water Framework Directive in the Shannon River Basin: experiences and prospects, Vulnerable aquifer preservation: comparing European experiences, Perugia, Italy, 8-9 September 2005, edited by Martinelli, A. & Stranieri, P. , Arpa Umbria, 2005, pp25 - 29Conference Paper, 2005
  • Sheehy Skeffington, M., Moran, J., O'Connor, A., Regan, E., Coxon, C.E., Scott, N.E. & Gormally, M., Turloughs - Ireland's unique wetland habitat , Biological Conservation, 133, 2006, p265 - 290Journal Article, 2006
  • Styles, D. & Coxon, C., Laboratory drying of organic-matter rich soils: Phosphorus solubility effects, influence of soil characteristics, and consequences for environmental interpretation, Geoderma, 136, 2006, p120 - 135Journal Article, 2006
  • Styles, D. & Coxon, C., Meteorological and management influences on seasonal variation in phosphorus fractions extracted from soils in western Ireland , Geoderma, 142, 2007, p152 - 164Journal Article, 2007
  • The contribution of groundwater phosphorus to surface water eutrophication in Ireland in, editor(s)Griebler, C., Danielopol, D.L. Gilbert, J. Nachtnebel H.P. and Notenboom J. , Groundwater ecology-a tool for management of water resources, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2001, pp343 - 349, [Kilroy, G., Coxon, C., Allott, N. and Rybaczuk, K.]Book Chapter, 2001
  • Kilroy, G., Coxon, C., Rybaczuk, K. and Allott, N., Phosphorus in Irish aquifers: implications for input to surface waters, Proceedings of the 2nd International Phosphorus Workshop, Practical and innovative measures for the control of agricultural phosphorus losses to water, OECD, Antrim, edited by Foy, R.H. and Dils, R. , 1998, pp160 - 161Conference Paper, 1998
  • Kilroy, G., Jennings, S., Fay, K. & Coxon, C., Data acquisition for the characterisation and risk assessment of groundwater bodies in the Shannon river basin, Proceedings of the International Workshop: From Data Gathering and Groundwater Modelling to Integrated Management, Alicante, Spain, 4-7 October 2005, edited by Sanchez-Vila, X., Cabrera, M.C. & Valverde, M. , Instituto Geologico y Minero de Espana, Madrid, 2006, pp397 - 402Conference Paper, 2006
  • Hooker, K., Coxon, C., Hackett, R., Kirwan, L., O'Keeffe, E. & Richards, K., Evaluation of cover crop and reduced cultivation for reducing nitrate leaching in Ireland, Journal of Environmental Quality, 37, 2008, p138 - 145Journal Article, 2008
  • Kilroy, G., Coxon, C., Daly, D., O'Connor, A., Dunne, F., Johnston, P., Ryan, J., Moe, H. & Craig, M., A geohydrological basis for assessing risk, monitoring requirements and ecological sensitivity for groundwater dependent wetlands for management purposes under the Water Framework Directive, XXXV Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists, Groundwater and Ecosystems, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2007, edited by Ribeiro, L., Chambel, A. & Condesso de Melo, M.T. , AIH-GP, 2007, pp11 (CD format)Conference Paper, 2007
  • Premrov, A., Coxon, C., Hackett, R. & Richards, K., Initial studies of nutrient occurrence in the saturated and unsaturated zones of a sand and gravel aquifer under tillage farming in the Barrow catchment, South-Eastern River Basin District, Ireland, XXXV Congress of the International Association of Hydrogeologists, Groundwater and Ecosystems, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2007, edited by Ribiero, L., Chambel, A. & Condesso de Melo, M.T. , AIH-GP, 2007, pp11 (CD format)Conference Paper, 2007
  • Establishment of a field site to investigate nitrate losses from spring barley production systems in, editor(s)Bosch, A., Teira, M,R. & Villar, J.M. , Towards a better efficiency in N use, Lleida (Spain), Editorial Milenio, 2007, pp357 - 361, [Premrov, A., Coxon, C., Hackett, R. & Richards, K.]Book Chapter, 2007
  • Kilroy, G., Dunne, F., Ryan, J., O'Connor, A., Daly, D., Craig, M., Coxon, C., Johnston, P. & Moe, H., A framework for the assessment of groundwater-dependent terrestrial ecosystems under the Water Framework Directive, Wexford, Environmental Protection Agency, 2008, (Environmental Research Centre Report Series No. 12), 62 pp.Report, 2008
  • Premrov, A., Coxon, C., Fenton, O., Hackett, R. & Richards, K., Hydrogeological investigations to establish an experimental site on minimisation of nitrate leaching losses from tillage land, Proceedings of 17th Irish Environmental Researchers Colloquium, Environ07, edited by Moles, R. , Environmental Sciences Association of Ireland and University of Limerick, 2008, pp12 - 15Conference Paper, 2008
  • Premrov, A., Coxon, C., Hackett, R., Brennan, D., Sills, P. & Richards, K., Over-winter green cover in a spring barley system: role in exporting dissolved organic carbon to shallow groundwater and implications for denitrification, Proceedings of the 16th Nitrogen Workshop - Connecting Different Scales of Nitrogen Use in Agriculture, Turin, Italy, 28 Jun - 1 Jul 2009, edited by Grignani, C., Acutis, M., Zavattaro, L., Bechini, L., Bertora, C., Marino Gallina, P. & Sacco, D. , Universita degli Studi di Torino, 2009, pp11 - 12Conference Paper, 2009
  • Premrov, A., Coxon, C., Hackett, R. & Richards, K., Estimating travel-time of nitrate from tillage land to shallow groundwater and towards a river using bromide tracer, HydroEco 2009, Proceedings 2nd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Hydrology and Ecology: Ecosystems Interfacing with Groundwater and Surface Water, Vienna, Austria, 20-23 April 2009, edited by Bruthans, J., Kovar, K. & Nachtnebel, P. , 2009, pp111 - 116Conference Paper, 2009
  • Monitoring the environmental supporting conditions of groundwater dependent terrestrial ecosystems in Ireland in, editor(s)Quevauviller, P., Fouillac, A-M, Grath, J. & Ward, R. , Groundwater Monitoring, Chichester, Wiley, 2009, pp245 - 258, [Kilroy, G., Coxon, C., Daly, D., O'Connor, A., Dunne, F., Johnston, P., Ryan, J., Moe, H. & Craig, M.]Book Chapter, 2009
  • Cunha Pereira, H., Allott, N. & Coxon, C., Are seasonal lakes as productive as permanent lakes? A case study from Ireland, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 67, (8), 2010, p1291 - 1302Journal Article, 2010
  • Fenton, O., Coxon, C., Haria, A., Horan, B., Humphreys, J., Johnston, P., Murphy, P., Necpalova, M., Premrov, A. & Richards, K.G., Variations in travel time for N loading to groundwaters in four case studies in Ireland: Implications for policy makers and regulators, Tearmann: Irish Journal of Agri-environmental Research, 7, 2009, p129 - 142Journal Article, 2009, TARA - Full Text
  • Cunha Pereira, H., Allott, N., Coxon, C., Naughton, O., Johnston, P. & Gill, L., Phytoplankton of turloughs (seasonal karstic Irish lakes), Journal of Plankton Research, 33, (3), 2011, p385 - 403Journal Article, 2011
  • Premrov, A., Schulte, R.P.O., Coxon, C.E., Hackett, R. & Richards, K.G., Predicting soil moisture conditions for Irish arable free draining soil, Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research, 49, (2), 2010, p99 - 113Journal Article, 2010
  • Minet, E., Goodhue, R., Coxon, C.E., Kalin, R.M. & Meier-Augenstein, W., Simplifying and improving the extraction of nitrate from freshwater for stable isotope analyses, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 13, 2011, p2062 - 2066Journal Article, 2011, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Agriculture and karst in, editor(s)van Beynen, P.E. , Karst Management, Dordrecht, Springer, 2011, pp103 - 138, [Coxon, C.]Book Chapter, 2011
  • Tedd, K., Misstear, B., Coxon, C., Daly, D. & Hunter Williams, N. , Hydrogeological insights from groundwater level hydrographs in southeast Ireland. , Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 45, 2012, p19 - 30Journal Article, 2012
  • Kurz, I., Tunney, H. & Coxon, C., The impact of a dairy farm on stream water quality, Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, 3-4 March 2003, Teagasc, Athenry, 2003, pp32-Conference Paper, 2003
  • Richards, K., Ryan, M. & Coxon, C., Soil nitrogen mineralization on an intensive grassland dairy farm, Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, 3-4 March 2003, Teagasc, Athenry, 2003, pp34-Conference Paper, 2003
  • Styles, D. & Coxon, C., An analysis of the effect air-drying soil samples has on soil P extraction, Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore, 3-4 March 2003, Teagasc, Athenry, 2003, pp127-Conference Paper, 2003
  • Kilroy, G., Coxon, C. & Allott, N., Phosphorus fractions in Irish karst aquifers, Connecting phosphorus transfer from agriculture to impacts in surface waters (Proceedings of International Phosphorus Transfer Workshop 2001), Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, North Wyke, U.K., 2001, pp78-Conference Paper, 2001
  • Richards, K., Ryan, M. & Coxon, C., Mineralizable nitrogen in plots of an intensive dairy farm, 11th Nitrogen Workshop, Reims, France, 9-12 September 2001, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, 2001, pp349 - 350Conference Paper, 2001
  • Interdependence of groundwater and surface water in lowland karst areas of western Ireland: management issues arising from water and contaminant transfers in, editor(s)Robins, N.S. & Misstear, B.D.R. , Groundwater in the Celtic Regions: Studies in Hard Rock and Quaternary Hydrogeology, London, Geological Society, Special Publication 182, 2000, pp81 - 88, [Coxon, C. & Drew, D.]Book Chapter, 2000
  • E. Minet, C.E. Coxon, R. Goodhue, K.G. Richards, R.M. Kalin, W. Meier-Augenstein, Evaluating the utility of 15N and 18O isotope abundance analyses to identify nitrate sources: A soil zone study, Water Research, 46, 2012, p3723 - 3736Journal Article, 2012, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Premrov, A., Coxon, C.E., Hackett, R., Kirwan, L. & Richards, K.G., Effects of over-winter green cover on groundwater nitrate and dissolved organic carbon concentrations beneath tillage land, Science of the Total Environment, 438, 2012, p144 - 153Journal Article, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Kimberley, S. & Coxon, C., Evaluating the influence of groundwater pressures on groundwater-dependent wetlands, Wexford, Environmental Protection Agency, 2013, (STRIVE Report No. 100 (2011-W-DS-5)), 77ppReport, 2013, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • McManus, S-L., Coxon, C.E., Richards, K.G. & Danaher, M. , Quantitative solid phase microextraction - Gas chromatography mass spectrometry analysis of the pesticides lindane, heptachlor and two heptachlor transformation products in groundwater, Journal of Chromatography A, 1284, 2013, p1 - 7Journal Article, 2013, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Labite, H., Holden, N.M., Richards, K.G., Kramers, G., Premrov, A., Coxon, C.E. & Cummins, E., Comparison of pesticide leaching potential to groundwater under EU FOCUS and site specific conditions, Science of the Total Environment, 463-464, 2013, p432 - 441Journal Article, 2013, TARA - Full Text
  • Tunney, H., Coulter, B., Daly, K., Kurz, I., Coxon, C., Jeffrey, D., Mills, P., Kiely, G. & Morgan, G., Quantification of phosphorus loss from soil to water, Final Report and Literature Review, R&D Report Series No. 6, Wexford, Environmental Protection Agency, 2000, 235pp.Report, 2000
  • Agriculturally induced impacts in, editor(s)Drew, D.P. & Hotzl, H. , Karst hydrogeology and human activities: impacts, consequences and implications (International Contributions to Hydrogeology, Vol. 20), Rotterdam, Balkema, 1999, pp37 - 80, [Coxon, C.]Book Chapter, 1999
  • Interaction of surface water and groundwater in Irish karst areas: implications for water resource management in, editor(s)Brahana, J.V., Eckstein, Y., Ongley, L.K., Schneider, R. & Moore, J.E. , Gambling with Groundwater - Physical, Chemical and Biological Aspects of Aquifer-Stream Relations, St. Paul, Minnesota, American Institute of Hydrology, 1998, pp161 - 168, [Coxon, C. & Drew, D.]Book Chapter, 1998
  • Kurz, I., Coxon, C. & Tunney, H., Phosphorus export with overland flow from agricultural grassland, Practical and innovative measures for the control of agricultural phosphorus losses to water, OECD sponsored workshop, Antrim, 16-19 June 1998, edited by Foy, R.H. & Dils, R. , Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland, 1998, pp128 - 129Conference Paper, 1998
  • Richards, K., Coxon, C. & Ryan, M., Movement of phosphorus down the soil profile, as indicated by Morgan phosphorus values, Practical and innovative measures for the control of agricultural phosphorus losses to water, OECD sponsored workshop, Antrim, 16-19 June 1998, edited by Foy, R.H. & Dils, R. , Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland, 1998, pp102 - 103Conference Paper, 1998
  • A pre-Pliocene or Pliocene land surface in County Galway, Ireland in, editor(s)Widdowson, M. , Palaeosurfaces: Recognition, Reconstruction and Palaeoenvironmental Interpretation, London, Geological Society Special Publication No. 120, 1997, pp37 - 55, [Coxon, P. & Coxon, C.]Book Chapter, 1997
  • Groundwater vulnerability and protection issues in the lower Fergus catchment, Co. Clare in, Hydrogeological aspects of groundwater protection in karstic areas (COST Action 65 Final Report), Luxembourg, European Commission, D-G XII, 1995, pp162 - 169, [Coxon, C.E.]Book Chapter, 1995
  • Coxon, C.E., Carbonate deposition in turloughs (seasonal lakes) on the western limestone lowlands of Ireland, I: Present day processes, Irish Geography, 27, (1), 1994, p14 - 27Journal Article, 1994
  • Coxon, C.E. & Coxon, P., Carbonate deposition in turloughs (seasonal lakes) on the western limestone lowlands of Ireland, II: The sedimentary record, Irish Geography, 27, (1), 1994, p28 - 35Journal Article, 1994
  • Pipes, S., Rybaczuk, K., Coxon, C. & Mills, P., The role of geographical information systems (GIS) for groundwater vulnerability assessment, Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 1994 Conference, 11-13 April 1994, edited by Fisher, P. , Department of Geography, University of Leicester, 1994, pp315 - 320Conference Paper, 1994
  • Rybaczuk, K., Coxon, C., Mills, P. & Pipes, S., The role of geographic information systems for aquifer protection in the west of Ireland, Proceedings of GIS in Ecological Studies and Environmental Management, Warsaw, GRID, 1994, pp173 - 178Conference Paper, 1994
  • Rybaczuk, K., Pipes, S., Mills, P. & Coxon, C., The role of geographic information systems for groundwater vulnerability assessment in the west of Ireland, Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Geographical Information Systems, Utrecht, EGIS Foundation, 1994, pp1992 - 1994Conference Paper, 1994
  • Coxon, C.E., Mills, P., Pipes, S. & Rybaczuk, K., Demonstration of the role of GIS in utilising Quaternary geological data in groundwater protection studies, Glacial Events, IQUA Annual Symposium 1993, Dublin, edited by Coxon, P. , IQUA, 1993, pp8 - 10Conference Paper, 1993
  • Thorn, R.H. & Coxon, C.E., Hydrogeological aspects of bacterial contamination of some western Ireland karstic limestone aquifers, Environmental Geology and Water Sciences, 20, (1), 1992, p65 - 72Journal Article, 1992
  • Nitrates, groundwater and the Nitrate Directive in, editor(s)Feehan, J. , Environment and development in Ireland, Dublin, Environmental Institute, U.C.D., 1992, pp483 - 486, [Thorn, R.H. & Coxon, C.E.]Book Chapter, 1992
  • Thorn, R.H., Drew, D.P. & Coxon, C.E., The hydrology and caves of the Geevagh and Bricklieve karsts, Co. Sligo, Irish Geography, 23, (2), 1990, p120 - 135Journal Article, 1990
  • Temporal variability of water quality and the implications for monitoring programmes in Irish limestone aquifers in, editor(s)Sahuquillo, A., Andreu, J. & O'Donnell, T. , Groundwater Management: Quantity and Quality, IAHS Publication No. 188, 1989, pp111 - 120, [Coxon, C.E. & Thorn, R.H.]Book Chapter, 1989
  • The Yellow River (County Leitrim, Ireland) flash flood of June 1986 in, editor(s)Beven, K. & Carling, P. , Floods - Hydrological, Sedimentological and Geomorphological Implications, Wiley, 1989, pp199 - 217, [Coxon, P., Coxon, C.E. & Thorn, R.H.]Book Chapter, 1989
  • Thorn, R.H. & Coxon, C.E., Bacterial contamination of groundwater - hydrogeological considerations, Bacterial Contamination of Groundwater (Proceedings of Sligo R.T.C./I.A.H. (Irish Group) Seminar, Sligo, September 1989, edited by Broaders, M.A. & Thorn, R.H. , 1989, pp57 - 64Conference Paper, 1989
  • Thorn, R.H. & Coxon, C.E., Groundwater quality in karst areas of Ireland, Irish Speleology, 13, 1989, p32 - 35Journal Article, 1989
  • Drew, D.P. & Coxon, C.E., The effects of land drainage on groundwater resources in karstic areas of Ireland, Proceedings of the 21st I.A.H. Congress, edited by Yuan Daoxian , Geological Publishing House, Beijing, China, 1988, pp204 - 209Conference Paper, 1988, TARA - Full Text
  • Coxon, C.E., The spatial distribution of turloughs, Irish Geography, 20, 1987, p11 - 23Journal Article, 1987
  • Coxon, C.E., An examination of the characteristics of turloughs using multivariate statistical techniques, Irish Geography, 20, 1987, p24 - 42Journal Article, 1987
  • Groundwater flow in the lowland limestone aquifer of eastern Co. Galway and eastern Co. Mayo, western Ireland in, editor(s)Paterson, K. & Sweeting, M.M. , New Directions in Karst, Norwich, Geo Books, 1986, pp259 - 279, [Coxon, C.E. & Drew, D.P.]Book Chapter, 1986
  • Richards, K., Ryan, M. & Coxon, C., Leaching of N compounds from swards used for dairying that are N-based and irrigated with dirty water / slurry. End of Project Report, ARMIS 3635, Johnstown Castle Research Centre, Dublin, Teagasc, 1998, 5pp.Report, 1998
  • Irish lake marls in, IQUA Field Guide No. 10 (Offaly and West Kildare), Dublin, Irish Association for Quaternary Studies, 1987, pp69 - 72, [Coxon, C.E.]Book Chapter, 1987
  • Premrov, A., Coxon, C.E., Hackett, R., Kirwan, L. & Richards, K.G., Effects of over-winter green cover on soil solution nitrate concentrations beneath tillage land, Science of the Total Environment, 470-471, 2014, p967 - 974Journal Article, 2014
  • K.M Tedd, C. Coxon, B.D.R. Misstear, D. Daly, M. Craig, A. Mannix and N. Hunter Williams, An integrated pressure and pathway approach to the spatial analysis of groundwater nitrate: a case study from the southeast of Ireland, Science of the Total Environment, 476-477, 2014, p460 - 476Journal Article, 2014
  • Jahangir, M.M.R., Minet, E.P., Johnston, P., Premrov, A., Coxon, C.E., Hackett, R. & Richards,K.G., Mustard catch crop enhances denitrification in shallow groundwater beneath a spring barley field, Chemosphere, 103, 2014, p234 - 239Journal Article, 2014
  • Tedd, K., Coxon, C., Daly, D., Craig, M. and Misstear, B, Assessment of national scale groundwater nitrate monitoring data as a basis for evaluating mitigation measures, Proceedings of the 17th International Nitrogen Workshop , Innovations for sustainable use of nitrogen resources, Wexford, Ireland, 27th -29th June 2012, edited by Richards, K.G., Fenton, O., Watson, C.J. , 2012Conference Paper, 2012
  • McManus, S-L., Moloney, M., Richards, K.G., Coxon, C.E. & Danaher, M., Determination and occurrence of phenoxyacetic acid herbicides and their transformation products in groundwater using ultra high performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry, Molecules, 19, 2014, p20627 - 20649Journal Article, 2014, TARA - Full Text
  • McManus, S-L, Richards, K.G., Grant, J., Mannix, A. & Coxon, C.E., Pesticide occurrence in groundwater and the physical characteristics in association with these detections in Ireland, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186, 2014, p7819 - 7836Journal Article, 2014, DOI
  • Wilson, J., Rocha, C. & Coxon, C., Using GIS and natural tracers to evaluate groundwater discharge to lakes, Integrated Hydrogeology: Contemporary Principles, Policy and Practice (Proceedings of 35th Annual Groundwater Conference, IAH Irish Group), Tullamore, Offaly, 21-22 April 2015, International Association of Hydrogeologists (Irish Group), 2015, ppV.3 - V.10Conference Paper
  • Coxon, C., Water quality in Irish karst aquifers, Water Resource Management: The Role of Hydrogeology (Proceedings of 34th Annual Groundwater Conference, IAH Irish Group), Tullamore, Offaly, 15-16 April 2014, International Association of Hydrogeologists (Irish Group), 2014, ppII.9 - II.18Conference Paper, TARA - Full Text
  • Kimberley, S. & Coxon, C., Environmental supporting conditions for groundwater dependent terrestrial ecosystems, GSI Groundwater Newsletter, 50, 2012, p38 - 40Journal Article
  • Webster, K., Tedd, K., Coxon, C. & Donohue, I., Environmental flow assessment for Irish rivers, Irish Groundwater Newsletter, 54, 2016, p39 - 41Journal Article
  • Cunha Pereira, H., Coxon, C. & Allott, N., Turlough water quality and implications for groundwater management, Proceedings of the 29th Annual Groundwater Conference, International Association of Hydrogeologists Irish Group, Tullamore, Offaly, 21-22 April 2009, edited by Bartley, P. , IAH (Irish Group), 2009, pp107 - 110Conference Paper
  • Tedd, K., Misstear, B., Coxon, C., Daly, D., Hunter Williams, T., Craig, M. & Mannix, A., A review of groundwater levels in the south-east of Ireland, Wexford, Environmental Protection Agency, 2011, 106ppReport, URL
  • McManus, S., Richards, K.G. & Coxon, C.E., Pesticide occurrence in Irish groundwaters, GSI Groundwater Newsletter, 47, 2009, p12 - 14Journal Article
  • Richards, K., Khalil, M., Fenton, O., Barrett, M., Jahangir, M., Johnston, P., Coxon, C. & O'Flaherty, V., Investigating subsoil and groundwater denitrification in Ireland, GSI Groundwater Newsletter, 47, 2009, p15 - 16Journal Article
  • Kilroy, G., Coxon, C., Daly, D., Hunter-Williams, T. & Jennings, S., Managing groundwater bodies in the Shannon pilot river basin for the Water Framework Directive, Proceedings of the Pilot River Basin Workshop - Groundwater & Water Framework Directive Management Plan, Rome, Italy, 3-4 May 2004, Tevere River Basin Authority, 2004Conference Paper
  • Water pollution: the need to protect water resources in karst areas in, editor(s)Daly, D., Drew, D., Deakin, J., Ball, D., Parkes, M. & Wright, G. , The Karst of Ireland, Dublin, Karst Working Group / Geological Survey of Ireland, 2000, pp26 - 28, [Coxon, C.E. & Daly, D.]Book Chapter
  • Agriculture in, editor(s)Daly, D., Drew, D., Deakin, J., Ball, D., Parkes, M. & Wright, G. , The Karst of Ireland, Dublin, Karst Working Group / Geological Survey of Ireland, 2000, pp25 , [Coxon, C.E., Drew, D. & Wright, G.]Book Chapter
  • Groundwater protection schemes in karst areas in, editor(s)Daly, D., Drew, D., Deakin, J., Ball, D., Parkes, M. & Wright, G. , The Karst of Ireland, Dublin, Karst Working Group / Geological Survey of Ireland, 2000, pp28 - 29, [Daly, D. & Coxon, C.E.]Book Chapter
  • Coxon, C. & Drew, D., Groundwater and surface water relationships in karst terrain: some Irish examples, Proceedings of the 19th Annual Groundwater Seminar on Surface Water and Groundwater: A Combined Resource, Portlaoise, International Association of Hydrogeologists (Irish Group), 1999Conference Paper
  • Kilroy, G., Coxon, C., Allott, N. & Rybaczuk, K., The contribution of groundwater phosphorus to surface water eutrophication, Proceedings of the 19th Annual Groundwater Seminar on Surface Water and Groundwater: A Combined Resource, Portlaoise, International Association of Hydrogeologists (Irish Group), 1999Conference Paper
  • Kilroy, G., Coxon, C., Rybaczuk, K. & Allott, N., Phosphorus in Irish aquifers: a brief assessment at national and county scale, G.S.I. Groundwater Newsletter, 34, 1998, p2 - 4Journal Article
  • Deakin, J., Coxon, C. & Daly, D., Verifying the GSI groundwater vulnerability ratings: an assessment of the relationship between water quality and vulnerability, GSI Groundwater Newsletter, 32, 1997, p9 - 10Journal Article
  • O'Shea, S. & Coxon, C., An evaluation of the extent to which Irish Environmental Impact Assessments take groundwater issues into account, GSI Groundwater Newsletter, 31, 1997, p9 - 11Journal Article
  • Coxon, C.E., International developments in water tracing, GSI Groundwater Newsletter, 22, 1993, p8Journal Article
  • Coxon, C.E., Trace organics in groundwater - a major issue in the 1990's, GSI Groundwater Newsletter, 14, 1989, p6 - 7Journal Article
  • Thorn, R.H. & Coxon, C.E., Variations in groundwater quality - implications for monitoring programmes, GSI Groundwater Newsletter, 12, 1989, p8 - 10Journal Article
  • Coxon, C.E., Nitrate problems in domestic water supplies, GSI Groundwater Newsletter, 5, 1987, p10Journal Article
  • Coxon, C.E., Turloughs, GSI Groundwater Newsletter, 3, 1987, p8Journal Article
  • Coxon, C.E. & Reynolds, J., Environment guide to turloughs, Resource Source Series No. 10, 1987, - 4pp.Miscellaneous
  • Coxon, C.E., Hydrogeology of a limestone lowland in Co. Mayo, GSI Groundwater newsletter, 1, 1986, p4Journal Article

Research Expertise

I carry out research within the broad area of environmental earth science, mainly on groundwater quality. My specific interests include: · Rural groundwater quality problems, particularly nutrients and synthetic organic compounds · Groundwater vulnerability assessment and protection schemes · Karst hydrogeology and karst groundwater protection · Phosphorus loss to surface waters by different hydrological pathways · Groundwater - surface water interactions and integrated catchment management

  • Title
    Evaluation of stable isotope analysis as a tool to determine nitrate sources in Irish groundwaters
    This project aimed to critically evaluate stable isotope analysis of nitrate (15N and 18O) as a tool to determine nitrate sources in Irish groundwaters. The research involved the collection of leachate samples from soil lysimeters and saturated zone investigations in the Barrow Valley sand / gravel and limestone aquifers (Cos Kildare and Carlow) and in a karst limestone aquifer in north Cork. Nitrate was extracted from water samples using an anion exchange resin technique and isotopes were measured using Continuous-Flow Isotopic Ratio Mass Spectrometry. Saturated zone sampling sites were classified into different nitrogen source groupings according to (i) conventional hydrochemical evidence and (ii) site characteristics, and these classifications were compared with the 15N and 18O data. The research was carried out as a Ph.D. project by Eddy Minet under my supervision.
    Funding Agency
    Enterprise Ireland
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Interactions between hydrology and ecology of dune slack ecosystems
    Dune slacks are freshwater wetlands found between dry, fixed dune ridges in sand dune systems. The groundwater table is close to the surface and flooding typically occurs in winter. Because of their soil moisture content and plant communities, dune slacks increase the habitat and species diversity of sand dune systems where they occur. Their conservation value has been recognised under the EU Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC), where dune slacks are listed as an Annex I habitat. The most recent monitoring round for Annex I habitats in Europe identified pollution and abstraction of groundwater as major threats to the conservation status of dune slacks. This project sought to establish what resources dune slacks provide for invertebrates in sand dune systems and whether they support specific assemblages of plants and invertebrates which are indicative of habitat quality. The effects of different land uses on the systems was also investigated. The project was carried out by Aoife Delaney under the supervision of Professor Jane Stout and myself.
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    September 2013
    Date To
    October 2016
  • Title
    Pilot testing of implementation of the Water Framework Directive in the Shannon River Basin
    The EU Common Implementation Strategy (CIS) of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) provided for the preparation of Guidance Documents by Working Groups on several technical issues and for the integrated testing of these guidance documents in Pilot River Basins (PRBs). Ireland designated the Shannon river basin as its PRB, and this fellowship involved the testing of the CIS guidance documents in this river basin and exchange of findings with European partners. The overall aim of the PRBs at European level was to ensure that the guidance documents produced by the CIS Working Groups were applicable to and workable within all River Basin Districts across Europe. The fellowship was undertaken by Dr. Garrett Kilroy.
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Emerging organic contaminants arising in rural environments: investigations in karst and fractured bedrock aquifers
    The objective of this project is to investigate the occurrence of synthetic organic compounds arising from rural activities in Irish karst and fractured bedrock aquifers. The primary focus is on veterinary drugs including anthelmintics, anticoccidials and pyrethroids. The project aims to determine the controlling factors (both source and pathway) on these occurrences. The research is being carried out as part of the Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences (iCRAG) Research Challenge to Secure and Protect Groundwater Resources, by a doctoral student, Damien Mooney, in association with Dr Martin Danaher (Teagasc, Ashtown), Dr Karl Richards and Dr Per-Erik Mellander (Teagasc, Johnstown Castle), Prof. Laurence Gill (TCD) and myself.
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    September 2015
    Date To
    March 2020
  • Title
    Evaluation and interpretation of groundwater monitoring data and the implications for groundwater in Ireland
    This project involved the analysis of groundwater data collected by the Environmental Protection Agency for the EU Water Framework Directive, with the aim of providing a better understanding of Irish groundwater quality and groundwater levels. The work on groundwater quality included focused investigations into particular topics including(i) groundwater levels in the South Eastern River Basin district, (ii) nitrate in groundwater in the South Eastern River Basin District: investigation of sources and pathways,(iii) phosphorus components in Irish groundwater,(iv)flow and quality relationships in karst springs,(v) natural background levels of chemical parameters in Irish aquifers. The research fellowship was undertaken by Katie Tedd.
    Funding Agency
    Environmental Protection Agency
    Date From
    Sept 2008
    Date To
    Mar 2015
  • Title
    Combining earth observation and geochemical tracing techniques (CONNECT) for groundwater detection and evaluation in Ireland
    The purpose of CONNECT was to further develop earth observation and geochemical tracing techniques that identify (map), characterize and evaluate the occurrence and impact of groundwater discharge to lakes and coastal waters. The overall aim was to examine the connectivity between ground and surface water by combining the results from a national assessment of the potential for groundwater discharge undertaken via remote sensing and GIS techniques with available hydrogeological, geological, geochemical and water quality data that further characterize and assess the potential for and impacts of groundwater discharge. The research was undertaken by Dr Jean Wilson (research fellow) and Prof Carlos Rocha (co-PIs) with myself. (My involvement was primarily in the desktop GIS analysis of surface-groundwater connectivity).
    Funding Agency
    Environmental Protection Agency
    Date From
    April 2013
    Date To
    September 2015
  • Title
    Water Framework Directive Applied Testing and Evaluation Research Fellowship (WATER)
    This fellowship provided applied research to contribute to Environmental Protection Agency's role in implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive, culminating in the development of River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) in 2009. The project involved the development of case studies and best practice, linking with national and European researchers, to demonstrate how groundwater-surface water issues can be best integrated and addressed in the RBMPs. The research work was particularly focused on the integration of complex groundwater - surface water interactions (e.g. in karstic regions) into the RBMPs, and on the management of groundwater-fed terrestrial ecosystems. The fellowship was undertaken by Dr. Garrett Kilroy.
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Pesticide leaching to groundwater in Ireland
    This project formed part of a larger interdisciplinary project on Assessment of the vulnerability of groundwater to pesticide inputs from Irish agriculture (led by Dr. E. Cummins, University College Dublin). This component of the project involved field investigations of pesticide leaching to groundwater under a range of land uses, soil types and geological / hydrogeological conditions, on selected farms in eastern and southern Ireland. The research also involved analysis of existing Irish groundwater pesticide monitoring data. It was carried out as a Ph.D. project by Sarah McManus under my supervision, co-supervised by Dr. Karl Richards (Teagasc Johnstown Castle Research Centre).
    Funding Agency
    Dept. Agriculture & Food
    Date From
    Oct 2008
    Date To
    Jun 2012
  • Title
    Nitrogen attenuation along delivery pathways in agricultural catchments
    This research projects aimed to investigate nitrogen attenuation processes along groundwater pathways in two Irish agricultural catchments: an arable catchment in Co. Wexford and an intensive grassland catchment in Co. Cork. Factors influencing groundwater denitrification were investigated. The research was conducted in association with the Agricultural Catchments Programme based at Teagasc, Johnstown Castle, Wexford, as a doctoral project by Eoin McAleer, supervised by myself and co-supervised by Dr. Per-Erik Mellander and Dr. Karl Richards (Teagasc).
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Sept. 2012
    Date To
    Aug. 2017
  • Title
    A field study of nitrate leaching from tillage land in south east Ireland
    This study investigated nitrate losses from Irish tillage land in the context of the development of management strategies to comply with the EU Nitrates Directive (1991/676/EC). Two sites were used to study nitrate leaching losses using ceramic suction cups. At the first site on a clay loam soil, nitrate losses from spring barley and winter wheat were quantified over two recharge seasons. Losses from spring barley were higher than those from winter wheat in both years. At the second site, losses from spring barley were studied on a sandy loam soil over one recharge season and the use of winter cover crops and reduced cultivation were evaluated as potential methods of reducing leaching losses. The use of a cover crop was found to significantly reduce nitrate leaching losses at this site. The research was carried out as an M.Sc. research project by Kirsty Hooker; I was the academic supervisor and the research was co-supervised by Dr. Karl Richards and Dr. Richard Hackett (Teagasc).
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Development of an ecohydrology framework for setting environmental flow standards for Irish rivers
    The goal of this project was to evaluate state-of-the-art environmental flow methodology to identify best practice, trial alternative approaches in catchments of contrasting hydrogeology with long-term flow data, and provide recommendations to EPA for establishing a landscape-based framework for setting EFlow standards that will help to maintain ecological status and ecosystem services provided by Irish rivers. The research was carried out by Dr Katherine Webster and Katie Tedd (research fellows) in association with Prof Ian Donohue (PI) and myself.
    Funding Agency
    Environmental Protection Agency
    Date From
    March 2015
    Date To
    November 2015
  • Title
    The impact of on-site wastewater effluent on karst springs
    This PhD project investigates the impact of domestic wastewater effluent on Irish karst springs, as part of the Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences (iCRAG) Research Challenge to Secure and Protect Groundwater Resources. Detailed assessment of several springs representative of karst networks of different scale and morphometry is being undertaken in order to determine the contribution of on-site effluent contaminants by the use of chemical and microbiological fingerprinting methodologies. The project is being carried out by Luka Vucinic, supervised by Prof. Laurence Gill and co-supervised by myself.
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    September 2016
    Date To
    August 2021
  • Title
    EcoMetrics - environmental supporting conditions for Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems
    The project will develop potential environmental supporting condition metrics for a subset of Groundwater Terrestrial Dependent Ecosystems (GWDTE), focusing on turloughs, fens and raised bogs. The metrics are required for the Water Framework Directive characterisation process. The research activities will first identify and collate existing geospatial data relevant to the creation of a draft "potential" GWDTE register. This will be complemented by activities which will use remote sensing techniques to further identify GWDTEs. The main body of the project will then focus on the identification of appropriate environmental supporting conditions for turloughs, fens and raised bogs. This will be achieved from a combination of existing ecohydrological data (where available) and some additional field study where required, particularly for the fens. Metrics will then be defined for each of these wetland types that provide a robust assessment of the environmental supporting conditions which will then be tested back on a subset of the respective wetlands which have not previously had any significant ecohydrological studies carried out on them. This project is led by Dr. Laurence Gill, TCD Department of Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineering. I have a role in several work packages and am co-supervising the PhD project on environmental supporting conditions for fens.
    Funding Agency
    Environmental Protection Agency
    Date From
    April 2017
    Date To
    November 2020
  • Title
    Environmental supporting conditions for groundwater dependent terrestrial ecosystems
    Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems (GWDTEs) are habitats where the water table is at or near the ground surface and they directly depend on groundwater for a significant proportion of their water supply. The EU Water Framework Directive requires Member States to ensure that all groundwater bodies maintain good groundwater quantity and quality, and as part of the task of classifying the status of groundwater bodies, assessments of groundwater-related significant damage to GWTDEs must be undertaken. This research project was commissioned to inform the development of appropriate status tests relevant to GWDTEs and to highlight knowledge gaps. The project investigated the development of trigger and threshold chemical values based on conceptual hydro-ecological models of selected GWDTEs. The research was undertaken by a postdoctoral research fellow, Dr. Sarah Kimberley, under my supervision as principal investigator.
    Funding Agency
    Environmental Protection Agency
    Date From
    Nov 2011
    Date To
    Apr 2012
  • Title
    Evaluation of strategies to minimise nitrate leaching losses from tillage land
    This project aimed to evaluate different management strategies to minimise nitrate losses to groundwater from spring barley production systems. This involved an investigation of the unsaturated zone (using ceramic cups) below replicate small plots with different treatments (mustard cover crop, natural regeneration, and no vegetation cover) and an investigation of both unsaturated and saturated zones below three larger field plots. Travel times through the unsaturated and saturated zones were investigated. The work aimed to contribute to the research base for formulating policy relating to the EU Nitrates Directive (1991/676/EC) and the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC). The research was carried out as a Ph.D. project by Alina Premrov; I was the main academic supervisor and the research was co-supervised by Dr. Karl Richards and Dr. Richard Hackett(Teagasc).
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Phosphorus dynamics in some Irish soils: the influence of laboratory drying, soil characteristics and season
    This research formed part of the EU 'BUFFER' project which aimed to develop nutrient transport models for lake catchments across Europe. This sub-project investigated the effect of soil type and soil P status on the risk of P loss from soil to water in the Carra-Mask catchment in Co. Mayo. The research aimed to assess the potential to use readily available soil type and agronomic soil P (Morgan P) data to predict soil P desorption, as measured by water-extractable P (Pw) and bioavailable P (Pfeo), for a range of Irish soils. The effects of the standard practice of sample drying prior to desorption analyses, and implications for assessing soil P desorption risk in catchment P loss models, were explored. The research was carried out as a Ph.D. project by David Styles under my supervision.
    Funding Agency
    Date From
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  • Title
    Turlough hydrochemistry and algal dynamics
    This research formed part of a large multidisciplinary project titled Assessing the Conservation Status of Turloughs. Turloughs are annually flooding karstic depressions which constitute important groundwater-dependent ecosystems, identified as priority habitats under the EU Habitats Directive. This part of the project was an investigation of turlough hydrochemistry, particularly nutrient status, and of turlough algae including both phytoplankton and attached benthic algae. The work involved an initial broad overview of 22 sites during the first flooding season followed by a more detailed investigation of a subset of 4 turloughs with contrasting nutrient status and algal populations. The relationship between the algal communities and the nature of the turloughs (e.g. depth, water residence time, nutrient status and sources of inocula) was investigated. The research was carried out as a Ph.D. project by Helder Cunha Pereira, supervised by Dr. Norman Allott (School of Natural Sciences, T.C.D.) and myself.
    Funding Agency
    National Parks & Wildlife Service, Department of Environment
    Date From
    Date To


  • Member of IAH International Commission on Hydrogeology of Karst present
  • Member of Geosciences Committee of the Royal Irish Academy 2008
  • Secretary of IAH Irish Group 1990
  • Member of Environmental Sciences Association of Ireland present
  • Member of Irish Groundwater Working Group for the Water Framework Directive 2008
  • Member of International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) present
  • Member of Irish Working Group on Karst present
  • Member of Women in Technology and Science present
  • President of IAH Irish Group 2003