Academic Staff at Geology

Academic Staff

Dr. Eyad Abushandi

Dr. Eyad Abushandi

Teaching Fellow, Geology

I carry out research on surface hydrology for arid and semi-arid areas

Dr. Subhash Chandra

Dr. Subhash Chandra

Assistant Professor, Geology

My research aims to achieve a net-zero carbon energy system, reduce GHG emissions, and transition toward a climate-neutral energy system.

Professor David Chew

Professor David Chew

Professor In, Geology

My research involves applying geochronology and isotope geochemistry to various problems in the geosciences.

Dr. Catherine Coxon

Dr. Catherine Coxon

Associate Prof Environmental Sciences, Geology

Catherine carries out research on groundwater quality in rural areas. She is currently on personal leave of absence.

Professor Quentin G Crowley

Professor Quentin G Crowley

Professor In, Geology

I study environmental change through time and apply my knowledge of Earth systems to address key societal challenges

Professor Gerald Dickens

Professor Gerald Dickens

Professor of Geology & Mineralogy (1843), Geology

Jerry is an oceanographer and chemist with broad interests in past climate change and marine sediment

Ms. Rose Dunne

Ms. Rose Dunne

Teaching Fellow, Geology

Dr. Robin Edwards

Dr. Robin Edwards

Associate Prof in Earth Sciences, Geography

Robin is a geoscientist interested in reconstructing past environmental change

Dr. Robbie Goodhue

Dr. Robbie Goodhue

Senior Experimental Officer, Geology

My research has several themes which stem both from my doctorate (1996) and more recent activity in TCD Geochemistry.

Dr. Sean Mc Clenaghan

Dr. Sean Mc Clenaghan

Assistant Professor, Geology

My research focuses on dissecting ore deposit systems through the application of bulk geochemical and advanced micro-analytical techniques

Dr. Christopher Nicholas

Dr. Christopher Nicholas

Assistant Professor, Geology

With the Worlds oil and gas reserves gradually running out there is now intense economic pressure to explore for hydrocarbons in more and more inaccessible terrestrial and marine regions of the globe

Dr. Juan Diego Rodriguez-Blanco

Dr. Juan Diego Rodriguez-Blanco

Associate Professor, Geology

The major purpose of my research is to apply biogeochemistry to manage natural resources in a way that we can preserve the quality of life that we have now into the future generations.

Dr. Micha Ruhl

Dr. Micha Ruhl

Associate Professor, Geology

Micha‘s research is in Sedimentology, Integrated Stratigraphy and Low - Temperature Geochemistry to study a diverse range of topics related to Palaeoclimatic & environmental Change

Dr. Matthias Sinnesael

Dr. Matthias Sinnesael

Assistant Professor in Palaeoenvironments

My research areas are in the fields of palaeonvironmental reconstruction, palaeoclimatology, stratigraphy, cyclostratigraphy & astrochronology and geochemistry.

Dr. Michael Stock

Dr. Michael Stock

Assistant Professor, Geology

My research combines aspects of igneous petrology, volcanology, mineralogy and geochemistry. I use the chemistry of erupted igneous rocks to constrain the processes that occur within sub-volcanic magma chambers.

Dr. Emma Tomlinson

Dr. Emma Tomlinson

Associate Professor, Geology

My research involves applying trace element and isotope geochemistry to various problems in the geosciences.

Dr. Swetha Venugopal

Dr. Swetha Venugopal

Teaching Fellow, Geology

My work spans a broad range of subjects, including volatile evolution of the Martian atmosphere, subduction zone geochemistry and petrology, and ore mineralization.

Professor Patrick Wyse Jackson

Professor Patrick Wyse Jackson

Professor In & Curator of the Museum, Geology

My research area has focused on bryozoans that range in age from the Ordovician to the Recent, with particular emphasis on Mississippian faunas.