The postgraduate programme in Geosciences

The Geology Department aims to make discoveries, educate and engage society in earth science. Through our research, education and outreach activities we seek to advance scientific understanding and contribute solutions to global environmental challenges and resource management. Our vibrant postgraduate community is critical to the department achieving these aims. We have an active and diverse group of postgraduate students whose research focuses on a wide range of topics funded from a variety of external sources.

We expect our M.Sc. and Ph.D. students to take ownership of their research in terms of its content and development. Along with this expectation comes an acknowledgement that we are here to provide intellectual and practical support, training, and to aid your personal development as a professional scientist.

The Geology Department has excellent accommodation for postgraduate students with access to cutting-edge research laboratories and analytical equipment. All students are provided with personal workspaces with access to a world-class library and computing facilities. Postgraduate students are enrolled within a structured Ph.D. programme that requires students to demonstrate in undergraduate practicals, to provide teaching support on field trips, to take relevant academic and industrial courses (for example, Irish Geoscience Graduate Programme), and to attend international conferences.